The end of Twitter as we know it.

The end of Twitter as we know it.


As it is quite obvious, Elon Musk does not have a public relations office or at least an assistant who helps him filter what he feels like tweeting on impulse, he was recently accused of fraud by the stock market regulatory body, precisely for a series of tweets with which, for practical purposes, he manipulated the value of the shares of his Tesla Automotive company and this resulted in multimillion-dollar fines.

But back to the same. if you have a big enough fortune the financial penalties are not enough to rethink if maybe you should hire a person to stop you before you post a tweet that goes to company, instead Elon Musk became obsessed with Twitter to the degree of who tweeted that he was considering buying the company to control its policies, decide when accounts should be suspended, and generally remove restrictions on the things you can or cannot say on the platform, regardless of whether they carry hate messages or discrimination claiming that his intention was to bring her free expression to the platform.

Just for having published this, the value of the company fell and this made it easier for him to start negotiating his purchase with the board of directors, here he got himself into a problem because when he realized during these talks that Twitter is not as profitable as he thought , he tried to get away, but according to the law, the mere fact of having made his purchase intention public and his negotiations with the board of directors through tweets committed him to finalizing the purchase or paying the company a fee of one billion dollars.

Elon Mosk had two options, pay a fine of one billion dollars and forget the set or continue being a fool and buy Twitter for 44 billion dollars that you do not have and that to obtain that liquidity you are forced to sell your Tesla shares, also devaluing this company in the process.


Well, his obsession was stronger and after a trial and several attempts to haggle the final price of the Twitter company, he ended up paying 44 billion dollars, the terms of the purchase were not made public, but if Twitter does not return large profits and fast, experts believe that even tesla could be at risk of bankruptcy, finally the purchase was completed Elon Musk owner and Lord of Twitter and kept his promise to stop moderating the publications which triggered a wave of racism and hatred without filter and in his desperate attempt to make Twitter more profitable, he began laying off workers and eliminating entire departments, some of them very necessary, some in charge of user privacy security and system reliability, while bringing SpaceX systems engineers to review the Twitter code.

If you ask any programmer, they will tell you that this was ridiculous, useless because there is no way to review millions of lines of code in a few days, much less understand how it works for someone completely unrelated to its development, it was much easier not to fire someone. the people who knew how to do it, but it was too late the consequences were seen little by little, day after day, rare errors were more and more frequent and with the passage of time he had to go back and hire the programmers again.

Souce Souce Souce

Another occurrence of the new absolute director of Twitter was to put on sale the blue certification mark called the blue mark, which is granted to the accounts of famous people, public figures and companies to validate their authenticity for 8 dollars a month, anyone can have its blue mark of authenticity and let's just say it went wrong.

As soon as the option appeared in an update, thousands of fake accounts bought his blue mark to impersonate people and companies. now they will give the insulin they produce at no cost or how small the banana company accepts that it participated in a coup in Guatemala in 1954 is fun and educational.


Advertisers who are the main source of income for the social network do not see it in the same way and begin to withdraw their sponsorship from Twitter after two days of Chaos an extra certification gray mark appeared to differentiate real accounts from those that they could be fake and the musks reinvented the blue brand now it's grey, but the damage was done and the value of the affected companies plummeted.

Elon Musk is clearly out of control and out of control, this is happening in real time so it's hard to keep up, but this seems to be the end of Twitter at least as we know it, and users are already looking for alternatives for when Twitter no longer an option.

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