I really hope this voter fraud thing is just a witch hunt

I say this as a conservative that really really doesn't want Joe Biden to be President. I say this as a Libertarian who really didn't want to vote for Trump but did so in order to prevent Joe Biden from becoming President. I say this as someone who also doesn't think that the President, any President that we have had in my lifetime, has actually made any sort of meaningful progress or impact on anything that happens in the United States or the world.

However, if it is discovered that there is widespread fraud in our elections this is terrible terrible news for all of us Americans. I look at the videos with a sense of awe as I try to make sense out of the charts and the various speeches and talks about releasing a Kraken and while there is a part of me that hopes that they do uncover massive voter fraud simply to prevent one of the most useless politicians of all time (Biden) from taking the top office... I sincerely hope that the election has not been compromised.


As a Libertarian, I already have a rather extreme level of distrust and disdain directed towards elected officials who I believe do not really have the best interests of the citizenry in mind but rather to use their office to benefit themselves under the auspices of serving the communities they represent.

Before I began my own construction firm, I worked as a project manager for a medium-sized firm that focused on building very large apartment complexes and other large (mostly municipal) buildings. In that time, I was covertly and not-so-covertly offered "incentives" to offer contracts to certain firms rather than others. These involved meetings at really nice restaurants, box seat meetings at sporting events, and once, a pizza that had an envelope filled with cash underneath it. This was a job where the various contracts that these people sought were worth tens or sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars. If these people were willing to do that for me on such a small scale, I can only imagine what a poltiician on a high level must be subjected to


Therefore, if we combine my hatred of governance in general, which I believe is a farce and rife with corruption, then mix in the potential fact that our votes are not counted correctly anyway - we have a double effed up situation.

I'm not going to jump on the bandwagon of saying that there definitely was fraud or there definitely was not because ultimately my opinion on this, or watching hours of videos online and doing "research" is not going to change anything anyway. I will use this time instead to do some gardening or i dunno, go to work and make money. There are much more productive ways to use my time than to go down a Bitchute rabbit hole that will only encourage me to look further and further for the "truth."

In the end, even though I think Joe Biden is quite possibly the worst major Presidential candidate in the history of Presidential candidates in the United States and perhaps the world - I really hope that this investigation into voter fraud ends up fruitless. I would like to believe that our votes actually mean something and if it turns out that they don't well then, what is the point in voting at all or even pretending that we have a democracy?

There are a bunch of people out there that wont stop talking about the election fraud at the Elks lodge and there are people I know on social media that wont stop talking about how the claims of fraud are completely unfounded... and both sets of these people are merely parroting what they heard or read somewhere else - they are most likely only looking at sources that are going to provide them with what they want to be true as well.

I also feel like a bit of a turncoat for not voting Libertarian this year

I'm saying that if given the choice of Joe Biden regrettably being President or the revelation that voter fraud is massive and widespread, i would rather have the former. Because the latter is just so disappointing and depressing.

I honestly don't think Joe is going to do his party any favors anyway since he doesn't know how to talk anymore and even with the protection of the media, which he has and will undoubtedly continue to receive, his extremely compromised brain could actually be more damaging to his party than him losing this election could ever be.

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