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Why I'm Correct To Tag All Ukraine Posts As Neonazi

The Poll In Question:

Factors to consider that they go over in the video above:

  • Fear and apprehension for voicing opposition/criticism
  • Crimea and Russian controlled Donbass, Zaporozhye and Kherson not included in the poll
  • Ukrainians who fled to Russia since EuroMaidan are not included in the poll

Considering those factors it's not hard to see that the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians agree

  • that the "Revolution of Dignity" was a coup,
  • that they are being used by the west,
  • that Russia is fighting NATO,

and a good majority of the Ukrainians, if the Ukrainians in Crimea and the Donbass were given a chance to respond they would also agree

  • that neonazism is wide spread and
  • that Russian speakers are oppressed.

This also:

More that the video touched on:

Ukraine puts NBC reporter on kill list

The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the Ukrainian state's retaliation against an NBC correspondent, Keir Simmons, for reporting from Crimea and giving voice to residents who support the Russian Federation's annexation of their territory. Simmons was placed on the notorious Myrotvorets kill list, which has seen several of its targets assassinated by Ukrainian death squads.

Case Closed.

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