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RE: RE: A Summary Of What's Wrong With Politics in the 21st Century
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RE: A Summary Of What's Wrong With Politics in the 21st Century

RE: A Summary Of What's Wrong With Politics in the 21st Century

  • Russia did not shot down MH17, so to claim that they didn't as a lie is a lie itself and certainly not insignificant by any measure.

  • The internet is a tool of freedom much more than it could ever be a tool of oppression. To suggest that the penetration of the internet globally has led to tyranny is completely absurd, especially so when you preface the Internet as being "on it's own", which would be the complete opposite of tyranny. He ties that into globalization which has nothing at all to do with infrastructure and everything to do with sovereignty and the loss of state autonomy to an unelected multinational cabal like the WEF and the WHO, or NATO.

  • Life hasn't stopped in Russia and the future is clear, Novorossia will be liberated from the banderite scum, furthermore this is evident by their economy and this is echoed by the NATO talking heads when they report that Russia has expanded x amount of times across the board. Russia, unlike NATO and crew in their "freedom" wars, has the UN charter behind it which this "historian" probably is clueless of.

  • Free and Fear is obviously because we live in Perilous times mr historian dickehead, we live in the absurd times where Two megastructures each made to withstand multiple large aircraft hits, structures built out of steel and encased in concrete, who then collapsed to smithereens after being hit by aircraft that were witnessed only on the screens, with all videos of the planes striking the towers showing clear and obvious signs of manipulation, and not only did the two megastructures fail in unprecedented fashion, in our absurd times two planes took out 3 megastructures built out of steel, with fires that weren't hot enough to even weaken it, considering there wasn't neither the fuel from the plane after "explosion" nor the visible fire in either of the 3 buildings before collapse, but in such absurd times, where we have waged war for 20+ years because of that event, our time never broke, our time never entered eternity cycle, mr dickhead historian.

  • No, Capitalism isn't what the west is about, but they sure do try to make it about that. No the west is an EMPIRE, with hundreds of bases worldwide, possibly thousands, which is why Ukraine is being bleed dry against Russia, and next Poland and Romania, and on and on. Need I show you the Finish economy collapse?

  • What happened in 2008 was the best thing to happen to America, everyone got a reality check that the house of cards, is indeed a house of cards, this is bout to repeat with the inflated market yet again.

  • I like how he suggests that Trump supporters are addicted to heroin especially, I wonder what the "strongest" indicator will be this time around, maybe unvaxxed

  • He repeats RussiaGate - I mean that is the history the empire will write, a fabrication of bad man russia so they can justify defeating bad man as the coooncerners of the planet, what's another word for empire? o yeah, globalism.

  • American's are too dumb to understand how Russia chose the president of the United States, need he say more really?

  • History Books: Russia defeated the United States in cyber war in 2016 so it got to choose our president, and in actuality the people despised Hillary and Obama after 8 years of fucking them over, so much so that the Amish came out in record numbers to vote for Trump, the Amish who don't have internet, or electricity and never vote, let alone TV, they said fuck Hillary.

  • Climate Change, next will be Overpopulation. What a good globalist shoehorn, muh planet concern, o wait, I'm being a nihilist, so cynic because it's not as if that is exactly what Agenda 2020-2030 has always been about, "fossil" fuels CO2 scam.

  • He then goes on to talk about Russians with all the Globalist punchlines, Russia is a Gas Station, Russians are Misérables, Russians can't see a future without Putin, but obviously it's not future with or without him.

I mean why carry on to rebuke and rebut all this nonsense and outright lies when that is exclusively what he will do?

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