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Leaf Boomers Vie For WW3

See if you can tell where the Ukranazi diaspora relocated post WW2 to, and as always the women ready to fight, smfh.

Readers who are open to Canadian intervention in Ukraine are also more likely to:

  • Regularly attend religious services
  • Say they would vote to keep the monarchy in a referendum
  • Say they would vote to get rid of the separate school system in a referendum
  • Not have tattoos, and have no plans to get any
  • Say that legalizing cannabis was the right decision
  • Want their next car to be an EV or hybrid
  • Triple Vaccinated and Boosted

I can't wait to gather their seethe when that bluff will be exposed, or even better, when they're shuttled to the Russian meatgrinder for another painful lesson in "superiority".

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