My 3rd Hive Birthday and 2nd HPUD of the Year.


Time sure flies really past, I feel like it's just yesterday when I am still having a second thought to join Hive. But now it's been 3 years already. It's March 23, 2021, when I first joined Hive, and I am really glad that I created my account here. It's been a fun three years full of hope, dreams, and struggle. It's not easy, but as long as I enjoy what I'm doing here, I'll continue to spread darkness. Just kidding, Lol.


Happy Hive Birthday to me └|∵|┐♪. Thank you so much, @Hivebuzz, for reminding us of this amazing milestone. I am so busy that I never really notice the date. So imagine my surprise when I received a notification greeting me "Happy Hive Birthday!" └|∵|┐♪


Now, for Hive Power Up Day, I've missed two HPUDs this year due to various reasons. One is that I had to power down for two months as I really needed some cash for health reasons. Thanks to Hive, it really saved me a lot during those hard times. But I already stopped the ongoing power down in my account, and today I am participating again for HPUD. It's time to get back on track again ಥ_ಥ and continue what I stopped on doing.

And even though I didn't participate in the HPUD in February and March, I'm still keeping track of my account progress here. Just like this, from my followers to my reputation, This is from February to present time. As you can see, there's a huge difference now from the month of February. And I am overjoyed to see all the progress I have made on my account. I see that all my effort is really paying off.

I'm a little sad, though, seeing my Hive Power decrease as a result of powering down, but I can just work it out again. Hopefully I can make it to 3000 HP before my birthday in August. That's one of the goals right now. And maybe reach 3500 HP at the end of the year. I'll try to power up more Hive starting today and maybe do HPUM again. I'm not sure when I will start with the HPUM, but I'll do it again.


And here's more in my account progress. Really not bad as it all move up and despite my busyness on the previous month because of my hospitalization, I still got this amazing result. Well, this is from February to present time so it's really not bad (◍•ᴗ•◍), I think? What do you think? Ehe.


Here's my current HP. I'm just lucky it didn't turn into zero. That would be devastating if that happened. Seeing my HP increase is a dream come true. Having a huge vote value is really a great achievement, as I can give more to the community and everyone. I am hoping that I can achieve that $1 vote value soon. I still have a lot of grinding to do, but it's not impossible, I think. I can work it out as long as Hive continues to exist (≧▽≦).


And tadaaaaaan! Happy Power Up Day, guys ┌|oo|┘♪! To more goals and Hive to come ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ.


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Happy Birthday Logo from Hivebuzz

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