Well that rumour you heard about not showing up late is actually true. DO NOT BE LATE! I had to emphasise that. Doing business with #Germans means that you have to show up on time. And I don't mean showing up at the exact time.


I mean showing and being seated at the exact time. That means you have to be in the room a minute or two earlier (I also learnt this in my former work place in Nigeria).

Yes everything must be in Ordnung (order). That means that you have to plan your life. If you miss that train you are going to be late. Unless you are a very fast sprinter and can get to your meeting with sweat all over your suit. But I doubt that running is the best form of transportation, especially before a meeting.

If you have a bad relationship with time, please try to build that relationship else you will lose the interest of the person sitting on the other side of the table, whether it is a future employer or #business partner or client. Time is very personal and if you do not want to start on a bad note, just keep to time. It is so simple right?

So I decided to start with the simplest lesson for every newbie. In #Germany time is not flexible, it is rigid! 2pm is 2pm!

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