The concept of assimilation was developed by Jean Piaget. According to Merriam Webster dictionary to assimilate means "to learn (something) so that it is fully understood and can be used". Assimilation is one of the ways in which people take in new knowledge. Information can be absorbed in two ways, assimilation and accommodation.

The most common one is assimilation. When new things are learnt they are assimilated into our various belief system. Assimilation helps us to learn our to infuse information into our everyday lives and also beliefs.

Assimilation can happen very fast also with individuals who moved in to a new country or environment. Finding oneself in a new environment, after sometime you will find yourself acting like does in that environment, this is a simple example of assimilation. The individuals belief system if the world has not changed but the new behavior is just adapting to that of the new place. Other examples include ;

A baker learning new baking technique.

A student learning a new language at school.

A toddler seeing a different color of cat that is new to the environment but knows that it's a cat.

When new things are learnt that does not change your beliefs but the information is assimilated to your psychological process then if your mind towards your beliefs change s because of the information that is an example of accommodation.

Assimilation is the simplest way to absorb new information during the period of development, ether it's a child or an adult that is learning a new thing. Assimilation helps to add to your knowledge about something without changing your belief system. In a classroom setting, assimilation are practised by teachers or tutors.


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The teachers make use of the same method so as to help the students assignment either new or old information. Assimilation are used in various ways in a classroom environment. For example, English language is learnt in different stages. At each stage, the students build on the known to learn the unknown .i.e. new.

This is because knowledge is added without changing the basis schema they already have, it is a process when they assimilate information. This is the reason why English language and so many other subjects are taught in this format. Prior to now the theory of assimilation has existed in teaching, training at various levels and child development.

The teachers, professors, instructor, tutors or whatever they may be called learn how to help students in assimilating new things using the theories learnt. Learning by these personnel involves learning how psychological process works and how it can be encouraged, assimilation is just one of the process.

Every human being has a functioning brain. The brain is the is an organ in the skull that helps control the body's activities and enhance our thinking and also help us to feel .e.g. pain, heat etc. Some persons try all possible best to exercise their muscles while some don't. The way we focus on our muscles our brain also should not be left behind.


1 Know the way you assimilate as an individual: every individual has different ways of assimilating so as an individual know yourself because that will help in the long run.

2 Avoid any form of distraction whatsoever.

3 Set a plan or an agenda.

4 Have enough sleep.

5 Set a resting period: the saying " all work and no play makes jack a full boy" . The period for resting cannot be over emphasized because this period nothing related to assimilating is taking place so it is a period whereby the brain rest.

6 Build up your confidence.

7 Never be afraid to fail.

8 Always test yourself.

9 Eat healthy food that will help enhance the brain.

10 Cultivate the habit of reading and learning new things, don't be reluctant to learn new things.

11 Regular exercise: as human the older you grow will have an effect on the brain but with regular exercise it will help keep the brain at alert. Exercise has benefits and it has been observed overtime that regular physical exercise helps the brain. Even research has also proven.

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