Teaching is a very important aspect of education. It has a unique function which is to develop understand, impart knowledge and skills to the students. Teaching has different definition .i.e. different scholars have their various perception about teaching. Teaching is a profession.

Teaching can be defined as the process of passing or sharing knowledge or experience, it happens in an organised environment. The major aim of things is the passing of knowledge.

The persons who do this job of are called teachers or tutors, these persons have also gone through rigorous training to learn and understand how to pass knowledge how to create the settings of teaching.

Teachers play significant role in the impartation of knowledge to the learner's.
Teaching skills are the abilities, competence or capacity teachers must build up in other to have success in their field of education.

The abilities are numerous a few are the management of the classroom, communication with the students, having in-depth knowledge of the curriculum and it's standards, this of teaching etc.

Teaching skills are the distinct practices either direct or indirect or the attitude used by a teacher in other to have a better way of passing information or learning experience to the students.

The skill used by the teacher will help the students learn or react n a better way. A teacher must possess teaching skills in other to facilitate fast or speedy learning.

The teaching skill create an essential part of the duties of a teacher. The skills guide or enables the teachers through the daily routines in the classroom, helping them to have ease in discharging their duties and also maintaining the learning environment,making the students ready to explore and learn.

Over time it has been realized that teachers who have proper skills in communication and managing the classroom conceive or create a positive environment for learning for the students. The environment not only allows for positive learning but it also enable that to ask questions and learn faster.


1 It makes the classroom environment to be interesting.

2 It enhances the teacher to be competent.

3 It helps to avoid confusion.

4 It helps in understanding individual students differences.

5 It builds the teachers confidence in teaching the students.


There numerous Teaching skills,the following are few of them,;

1 Confidence: this helps the teacher when facing and directing the class, no matter the category of students you are teaching. Teaching has to do with public speaking so confidence is needed to do the duty properly.

Confidence enables the teachers to face their fear no matter how big the see it to be.


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2 Creativity: everyone has various ways the learn best. Overtime it has been discovered that people learn better when doing something interesting and fun. It's now up to the teacher to be creative in their approach, discovering what they see as fun and interesting that will boost their learning. That is why must schools make use of instructional materials.

3 Communication: this one a very important aspect of learning. It has a huge part to play in passing information. Communication can be verbal, written or non-verbal as far as the point of the passed across is understood.

4 Enthusiasm: the enthusiasm you put as a teacher to your subject, student or classroom environment also matters. The major thing is when you love what you're doing you do it perfectly and will not want any flaws, so the love will help you to be able to engage the students you teach.

5 Dedication: the fact that teaching can be tough cannot be denied. As a teacher the spirit to be dedicated is need because that will enable you help the students to succeed, and also keep the energy in other to avoid discouragement.

6 Patience: every student learn at different pace. As a teacher if you will have to explain a thousand time again and again b fore it sticks to the brain, it's part of your job. Every teacher has different temperament so you always need to be calm and patient in other not to cause problem.

7 Organization.

8 Resolution of conflict.

9 Leadership

10 Ability to adapt.

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