It may be quite true to say that the full knovwledge or what obtains in pregnancy, marks the beginning or
interest in child psychology. Pregnancy is not an illness. It is a period most women look forward to. Such a period
or could be exciting, thrilling and heart-breaking mysterious, depending on whether or not it is being expected at the time it occurs.

Pregnancy involves much more than the beginning of a new life in the walls of the uterus. It is also a period
when personal hygiene, proper food and nutrition,maintenance of good health and limitation of certain
activities are not only desirable but necessary.

To most women, pregnancy Is also a time for special spiritual development. It is during this time that a normal woman accepts tne mysterious work of God.

No pregnant woman, of whatever
inclination, has ever been known to exclude God in her belief or religious affairs, especially during days of uncertainty, problems and ailments.

Experiences of pregnancy differ from woman to woman, Physical, psychological and emotional changes
often accompany any pregnancy. One of the first signs of pregnancy is the cessation of the normal monthly
menstrual flow. However, this may not be a true sign in all cases, because other disturbances may cause
amenorrhea (missing of regular monthly period). Other signs include enlargement of the breasts.
become fuller and tender with a rather prickly sensation.
The nipples of the breast become blackended, resulting mainly from the pigmentation of the skin.

Due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder, the pregnant woman experiences the urge to
urinate more, she also experiences dizziness. This is said to be a result of pelvic congestation and poor supply of
blood. The abdomen becomes increasingly enlarged due to the increasing size of the growing foetus.

First Trimester (From Conception till End of 3 Month)

Pregnancy is usually, divided into three stages orterms, referred to as trimesters. The first trimester starts with the total stoppage of menses, although in about 25% Of cases, slight bleeding may still occur, even though the woman is pregnant. Other characteristics the first trimester are: feelings of weakness, fatigue, irritability, and mood swings which make the woman feel that she is changing in ways Over which she has no control.

This stage also coincides with the period when the pregnant woman appears to be egocentric and complains about the husband not caring sufficiently. Vomiting and
nausea are well marked during the second month of the first trimester. Certain limitations and discomforts are
These include inability of the woman to squat or bend forward conveniently, blurred vision and frequent salivation. Others may take the form of waist
pain, hiccup, loss of appetite, cravings for certain kinds of foods. The woman also takes more fluid than usual to also noticed replace that lost through frequent urination.

The second trimester starts after the foetus organs have been formed (i.e. from the end of 3 month till the end of sixth month of pregnancy). This is when the pregnant woman begins to think more about the rapidly growing child in her womb than she thinks of herself. The growing baby starts to stir in the womb.
Often, the pregnant woman would want the husband to share in her experience, by feeling the movements or listening to the heart beats of the baby in her womb.
It is also during pregnancy can no longer be "hidden". The woman starts
to put on maternity clothes. Most women have a stronger desire for sexual union with the husband during
the second trimester that this period.
The pregnant woman tends to become more attention-seeking, rather selfish and of the time to make sure that he too shares in her experience.

Common features of the second trimester include heart-burn, cramps, backache, development of vericose veins. vaginal discharge and shortness of breath.
Towards the end of this stage, the abdomen protrudes the more and the expectant mother loses her normal
shape, the abdomen protrudes more functions as it has to pump sufficient blood to the mother and also supply and maintain satisfactory placental circulation.
The lungs are displaced slightly upwards as the growing foetus encroaches into the thoracic cavity, thus restricting the free movement of the diaphragm.
Breathing becomes short and rapid. The enlarged uterus exerts much pressure on the bladder and this produces that urge to urinate frequently even though the bladder
may contain just a little urine. This problem is remarkably pronounced during the middle months of pregnancy and again shortly before delivery.
If the pregnant woman's diet is not nutritious enough to produce adequate blood for the mother and the
Toetus, the woman experiences more dizziness, blurred vision, swelling of some parts of the body, like legs, face
and fingers.

The third trimester coincides with the last three months pregnancy. It also marks one of the most exciting periods of the pregnant mother's life especially if this has been her first pragnancy She starts making plans for the arrival of the baby, and is full of expectations to see her baby one day.

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