Importance of science in our educational development, and with it, in all senses


Greetings again my dear friends of this prestigious platform, actually when we talk about our exponential leap of development as a living species of this planet we must always highlight the essential integration between science-technology, and of course, the essential channel of transmission or propagation of all this knowledge among all mankind as is education.

The field of science has turned out to be our best tool to capture any kind of learning of our environment, and from my point of view, physics and mathematics are its fundamental pillars, for example, one of the most essential phenomena for the universe, and with it, for our existence is the movement since it allows any kind of living, and in addition, the development of other phenomena as vital as light and sound, and for the understanding of the above phenomena humanity has relied on the physical science for its understanding especially with wonderful sub-branches that make up the physics such as kinematics, optics and acoustics respectively.

In reality, we have expressed the above very quickly, but nevertheless, there are many decades of dedication and study to achieve what so far as a human species we have structured in every way, now my dear readers in the field of science we can find other essential branches for the purpose mentioned above, as is the case of mathematics, and no doubt, among this branch we find sub-branches such as algebra and the wonderful science of shapes and figures as is geometry.

We know that everything that surrounds us is impregnated with much complexity in all senses, and this makes that such knowledge is in a very abstract language for our normal understanding in general terms, therefore, for the transmission of such abstraction we have had the wonderful algebraic language which has given us each of the necessary formulations for the analysis of any phenomenon, an aspect of vital complementary importance for the rest of the scientific branches.


Another essential aspect that we have found in our complex environment is that it is structured by any type of shape or figure, and for the interpretation of this language we have used the splendid geometry, thus allowing us a better understanding of everything around us, for example, the different movements that develop around us we have been able to classify thanks to the trajectories described by each particle, body or object, and as is known these trajectories represent the geometric place of certain straight line or curve.


Therefore, at this point in our rich scientific history, it is no secret that as human beings we live immersed in a complex universe full of geometric shapes, since even our own physical entity is proof of the above, which is why I wanted to start a thematic series generally related to some concepts of geometry which will deepen in future installments.

At the moment we can say that when we talk about geometry we refer, without doubt, to that part of mathematics which has allowed us to idealize any space-time where we are and even beyond, this highlights the enormous importance of geometry in our lives even though in many occasions to obtain some knowledge of geometry is very complex, and for this, the area of education has worked tirelessly in order to go looking for many teaching methods to achieve a better understanding of geometric science.

Until another opportunity my dear readers, actually the whole field of science has allowed us to intertwine our multiple capabilities, and consequently, we have managed to achieve such exponential development, and of course, the road to travel is still long, but nevertheless, we have improved day by day the speed with which we capture any knowledge of our environment, this thanks to the enormous advances in the technological field which, without a doubt, has put into practice each knowledge issued by the entire field of science, and with it, propagated very effectively by the beautiful field of education, and so we have known each of those essential creations as shown in the gif at the beginning of this article.

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