Noble words : Unity is strength !

Unity in relationships is important because it can lead to a harmonious bond where partners support each other, face challenges together, and celebrate successes as a team. It can also provide a sense of security and belonging. No doubt unity is very important when it comes to fulfilling relationship. Keeping the importsnce in mind our Sanskrit brings up the following verses signifying the importance of unity.

यत्रात्मीयो जनो नाSस्ति भेदस्तत्र न विद्यते|

कुठारैर्दण्डनिर्मुक्तैर्भिद्यन्ते तरवः कथम्||

Yatraatmeeyo jano naasti bhedastatra na vidyate.
Kuthaarairdandanirmuktairbhidyante tarawah katham.

Yatraatmeeyo = yatra + aatmeeyo Yatre = where.
Aatmeeya = intimate, one's own.
Jano = people.
Naasti = na + asti.
Na = not.
Asti = is/are there.
Bhedastatra = bhedah + tatra.
Bhedah = difference, duality, schism. Tatra = there.
Vidyate = exists, not found.
Kuthaarairdandanirmuktairbhidyante = Kuthaaraih + danda + nirmuktaih + bhidyante.
Kuthaaraih = axe's
Danda = wooden handle.
Nirmuktaih = removed, set free.
Bhidyante = cuts, breaks.
Taravah = trees.
Katham = how ?

Where there is intimacy among the people, no differences can exist there. On the other hand there is unity of purpose for accomplishing a task. Can an axe be able to cut down trees if its wooden handle is removed?

The author indirectly emphasizes the importance of unity among people. If there is unity, there will be no differences among them, which helps in accomplishing various tasks. The author cites the example of an axe, which,without a handle (absence of unity) can not cut trees and becomes useless.

Similarly, while it's not necessary for partners to think alike on everything, it's important to have a united front on the big things. It's also important to maintain individual identities and purposes within the relationship.

Learning is Passion!!

Thanks for Stopping @queenart

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