Educationally Backward North; Any remedy to the situation?

Can anything good come out of Nazareth? This biblical quotation can be used to describe the socioeconomic disposition of the north. The northern part of Nigeria is always associated with the tag "retrogression". Such can be said of the educational condition of that region. Despite efforts made by successive governments to salvage the situation. all has proven abortive.

According to UNICEF which states that 69% of over 10million out-of-school children between ages of six and 14 are domiciled in the region. Of which the states of Kaduna and Bauchi tops the list with stats of 1.1million and 781,500 out-of-school children respectively.
Ever since the independence of Nigeria in 1960, the gap in education between the north and the south has widened geometrically. The reason behind this discrepancy is due to the believe of the northeners that education is a heritage of Christianity. And as such is met with the utmost contempt by majority of the demograph.

The northeners have refused to take advantage of the numerous opportunities made available to them to close this gap, but rather have chosen to turn a blind eye to it, since it doesn't conform with their religious beliefs.

IMG_20180522_094409.jpg students in the classroom.

I am a living witness and i had a first hand experience of this. I carried out my national assignment in the north east state of Sokoto. While serving in Sokoto, I noticed the level of levity in which the locals treated education. Students come late to school. Majority of them are shabbily dressed. The adage "cleaniness is next to Godliness" is an absolute cliche to them. Classrooms are filled with dilapidated chairs and desks with little or no availability of educational facilities.

The students showed total lack of interest to the subjects been taught in class. Only a minimal percentage of them showed concern. The one that got my attention the most was the fact that lessons was delivered to them in their dialect due to their inability to flow in english fluently.

IMG_20180329_084527.jpg Me and my colleagues

IMG_20180529_130556.jpg contestants for the debate competition organized by the corp members.

We the corp members posted to the school clamoured for change in the system in which the school was ran, but little was done to mitigate the situation. In one of my usual visits to the vice principal office, I engaged him in a conversation about the educational situation of their region. He highlighted certain factors which is mostly religiously motivated and at times socioeconomic- due to lack of employment in the nation. The politicians also prefer it that way in the sense that it will always provide them with the manpower to carry out their selfish political agenda.

During my time there, I could just see so many things that these kids were missing out from. All due the fact that the region is educational inhibited, if am to use the word. I guess the way forward is to address the matter from the root, which is enlightening the whole public on the importance of education. The government should be involved in every area; such as provision of funds, facilities and the expertise to rid this region of this plague. As well as the stake holders. There is should be understanding in the hierarchy of command. Putting aside all sorts of selfish ambitions. This situation can be remedied.

NB; All the pictures are from my gallery

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