The first self-development activity in his school after the Covid-19 Pandemic


Good evening all Hive friends, this is my first post in this community. My husband and I are teachers, I am a teacher in a vocational high school and my husband is an elementary school teacher. Since Covid 19 has hit Indonesia and is increasingly entering the red zone, schools throughout Indonesia have agreed to conduct online learning. So that all activities are very limited, especially those related to self-development activities that require activities in the field.

the last few months because of vaccinations that have been highly echoed by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. And because our students have reached 80 percent for those who have been vaccinated, our students are allowed to have limited face-to-face meetings, meaning that schools that usually meet face-to-face in class with teachers one day for 8 hours are now limited to 6 hours per day. with the provisions of 1 hour lesson is only given 30 minutes.

beberapa bulan belakangan ini karena vaksinasasi yang sudah sangat di gaungkan oleh Pemerintah Negara Republik Indonesia. Dan karena siswa didik kami sudah sampai ke angka 80 persen untuk yang sudah vaksin maka, siswa kami di perbolehkan untuk melakukan tatap muka terbatas, artinya sekolah yang biasanya tatap muka di kelas dengan guru satu hari 8 jam kini hanya di batasi 6 jam saja per hari dengan ketentuan 1 jam pelajaran hanya di berikan waktu 30 menit.

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Even though we have strict rules, we teachers are very happy because we can meet face to face with our students without having to go behind the scenes. And starting last week we have been able to hold a student self-development program in our school which is included in the government program, namely the fun school movement. The self-development program at our school has the aim of developing the talents of each student according to the hobbies and talents they already have and each student may choose more than one self-development




However, due to the limited facilities available at our school. We only have a few self-development programs, namely

1. Self-development line up
Marching is a self-development activity that requires students to be really proficient and trained to practice physically and mentally to shape the character of students like the armed forces of the Republic of Indonesia, they are trained from an early age to really instill a high sense of patriotism and discipline. In our school, even the self-development of the marching line is trained directly by members of the armed forces of the Republic of Indonesia




2. Spiritual self-development of Islam
This self-development aims to make students able to form strong and correct Islamic religious characters, independently, and also nationally so that they are not easily swayed by misleading sects later.


3. Entrepreneurial self-development
This self-development aims to make students continue to hone their entrepreneurial spirit, learn how to make products, market, organize marketing strategies so that their products can be accepted by the community and have benefits.



4. Futsal self-development
This development aims to train and develop students in the field of sports, especially Futsal and are ready to take part in the tournaments held, by continuing to train students' mental and self-confidence and be able to work together in teams and reduce their respective egos.


5. Volleyball self-development
This self-development aims to improve students' physical training, manage techniques to play volleyball correctly, and train their mental and disciplined skills to work together in a team that has been formed.

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6. Self-development of the red and white flag-raising troops
This self-development is in the form of being able to really train its members mentally and physically on the basis of strong lines and height that is adjusted according to existing national standards. However, for flag-raising troops in high schools, the body is not too taken into account. These troops are trained so that they can actually fly the red and white flag without any mistakes and are able to be in line with the national anthem that is being sung.



That was our post, greetings from us, Tomi and Maya from Binjai City, Indonesia. Healthy always for us and keep following our next post. Thanks.

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