In these last six months I have been working with @darlenys01 in the project Give them wings to freedom, education without limits, based on education at all scales, we are currently creating the website powered by the Telos ecosystem in interaction with the I work in other blockchains such as hive, medium, and social networks, in the second phase of this comprehensive project is the creation of intelligent virtual classrooms for initial education, the idea arose from the importance of collaborative learning in childhood and what better way to do that through virtual classrooms.


I have dedicated my career in Systems Engineering to the teaching and training part especially to our children, we must guarantee that this generation of relay is at the level that the new era requires.

As we move forward in the construction of this beautiful project, which I am sure will be enriching and of great contribution to educators and children, I have focused on studying and researching options so that teachers can go deeper into this field of information technology. information. Understanding that this is a very broad field in the coming days I will make more updates on this topic and thus have adequate feedback.

One of the advantages offered by virtual classrooms in children is that their learning method is more attractive and they make them feel comfortable in this digital age, we can make you see that the internet was created for good purposes like this.

There are many teachers who are currently not very tech-savvy, but there are easy-to-use tools such as Google Classroom, which is a platform to create classes and courses, simply by opening a profile with your email, Worldwide, we are going through a moment Where all educational centers are forced to abide by the measure of closing their spaces for the prevention of COVID-19. Then the time has come to explore and use the tools at our disposal.

Tutorial to start in google classroom

How to teach a child to use a virtual classroom?

Initial education constitutes the first stage of the school journey, in which boys and girls begin their journey of integral formation and interaction with the world around them.

1.-Do not focus on norms and laws. Focus on creating a favorable learning environment.

2.-Be humble and pious.

3.-Tutors and teachers must establish limits of use for this tool, a schedule or routine must be placed.

4.-Do not teach a knowledge of which you do not consider yourself an expert.

5.-Use riddles, puzzles, paradoxes and surprising images to take the attention of your children.

6.- teaching strategies: Child centered, Group teaching centered, Collaborative work centered.

7.-Reach the children emotionally, before doing it intellectually.

8.-Define techniques: Collaborative glossaries, Discussion subgroups, Brainstorming, Questions and awards.

9.-Tell them that personal communication will always have more value, although sometimes they need to communicate with their tutors through virtual classrooms.

You can also make videos through the different platforms.

Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning, it is important to know that its pillars are based on social interaction. In other words, this type of learning is based on group work and the constant interactions between children,virtual classrooms encourage collaborative work provided by virtual learning environments, this is the reason why many teachers have understood that to educate this new generation you have to make use of these new technological tools.


Collaborative work (or cooperative work) is understood as that type of learning that is the result of the consequence of processes that, in interaction with the social environment, produce knowledge or meanings. The authors who promote this constructivist theory are Piaget and Vygotsky (and many of his disciples in both theories).

The advantages of applying collaborative learning in the virtual classroom is to promote and develop a sense of responsibility, competence and leadership.

The objective of the Virtual Classroom is to promote an educational space in which both teachers and students can carry out their academic activities, in the case of children it is important to create simple and dynamic material that they can learn with certain rules. wants to enter this world of technological tools I leave you several options to start.

Are you a teacher and want to create your own virtual classroom in these moments of quarantine?

1.-You can create a blog.
2.-tutorial videos on youtube or any other platform.
3.-Social networks.

Additional Complements to teach and learn online.

1.-LMS Plugin or Template for WordPress.
2.-Applications with a social component
3.-learning management systems (LMS)
4.-Video conference software.


In conclusion, virtual classrooms promote education, at this time we must be on par with technology to be more interactive.


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