Characteristics of a "dysfunctional" family

The family is the center of the education of our children, the basis on which society grows, the family is the cell that generates the union between individuals, however, there are families in which its members go through a series of situations that separate them from others.


When a family presents problems of understanding, respect and sensitivity to each other, then we can say that we are dealing with a dysfunctional family, which, in a nutshell, is a family that does not function as a unit.


Respect as a basis of COMPRENSION

In most cases, when we are in the presence of a dysfunctional family, it is the respect among the family members that is failing, either from the children towards the parents or vice versa.
Respect is a value that we could define as bidirectional, that is, the same respect we expect to receive is the same respect that it has to offer. Many parents demand respect from their children but do not give them the respect they deserve. It is from this simple but important interaction between parents and children that great problems are born, children become rebellious in the face of their parents' incomprehension.


A common theme that generates many conflicts in families is the issue of space, as parents provide a roof over our children, and under our roof there are parents whose rule of coexistence is the imposition: "While I live under my roof, it will do what I say", or "My house, My rules", are the most common phrases we will hear in homes where respect fails as a basis for coexistence .
Each person needs their own space and this must be respected, many parents promote the rebellion of their children by penetrating the force in the space they consider their room, for example, and imposing their criteria on everything in a place that the child considers his , OR ITS MOST INTIMATE PLACE, the parents have the habit of wanting to alter the physical space taking as a deposit the room or taking out the son every time they invite someone home.


For a child, especially the space of adolescent age is very important, and will defend it, this is cause for great discussions between parents and children, which is aggravated when the parents do not have enough humility to respect the space of others and are the proud enough not to admit that they are acting badly even when they know it. This does not mean that as a parent of a teenager, I must admit the mysteries in the home, or let these teenagers have computers in their rooms, this is one of the main reasons for isolation, or factors that contribute to isolating a teenager from the family.
In our house this does not happen, since computers have their space in a workplace, and none of us has their hidden codes from any social network, since I can send my son to look for any information he needs at any time, This has always been a rule at home.


Of the coexistence in family.

The coexistence within the family can be something extremely wonderful when respecting the space and the way of thinking of the other.
The disqualification is another great evil that unbalances family relationships, compare one family member with another generates disputes, it is good to keep in mind that every human being has virtues and defects, no one is perfect work or thought, but must not disqualify to any person simply for thinking a little differently or having a different opinion, within the family as well as outside of it we will always find people with a different point of view, we must be intelligent enough to respect this different point of view and use it for the well of family stability, taking whatever positive it may have.


Living together as a family is often not simple, it is an experiment of trial and error, where if you take into account the values that come from the same family as respect, tolerance , nd love, you can create a unity where all the members of family work becomes a common good.

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