How to teach little children about God - Part 7

We previously look at God as three in one. We heard how God decided that His Son must come to earth.

This is what Christmas is all about, the birth of Jesus Christ.

Today we look at this story in the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God. This story you get in Luke 1-2.


God sent the Angel Gabriel to Nazareth that was where Mary a young woman lived. Mary was a virgin which means she was never married. But she was engaged to Joseph to be married to him.

Gabriel appeared to Mary he greeted her and said highly favored one, the Lord is with you, and you are blessed among women.

Mary was a little afraid and wonder why was the Angel there? The Angel said to Mary you have nothing to be afraid of God has a wonderful surprise for you, you will become pregnant and give birth to a son and call his name Jesus.

Mary couldn't understand it as you need to be married to have a baby, so she said to the Angel how can this be as I haven't been with a man before?

The Angel told Mary that God will do a miracle and The Holy Spirit will come over her, and she will get pregnant, and she will give birth to a son and He will be called holy and the Son of God.


When Joseph heard about Mary expecting he was very confused and could not understand how she can be pregnant,? He did not want to marry her anymore.


In the night an angel spoke to Joseph in a dream and said Joseph don't be afraid to marry Mary because her pregnancy is from the Holy Spirit, she will give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus which means "God saves". Then Joseph marry Mary but he did not sleep with her till after the baby was born.


In this time the whole world had to go to a town in Judea to be counted. Joseph took Mary and travel to Bethlehem.


While they were there it was time for Mary to give birth. There was no room in any hostel in the town and in the end Mary gave birth to Jesus in a manger.


There were shepherds in the fields nearby and an angel appeared to them. He said to them: don't be afraid, I am announcing a joyful event that is meant for everybody in the world. A Savior has just been born in Bethlehem, He is the Savior. You have to look for a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in the manger.


Suddenly there were an angelic choir that joined the angel and they were singing God's praises.

“Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

After the angels disappeared the shepherds said, let's go look for this special baby. They went into the town of Bethlehem and found the baby Jesus in a Manger with his mother Mary and earthly father Joseph.


That is how God's son Jesus came to earth.

In the coming lessons we will learn how Jesus went back to His Father in heaven.

Thank you for reading.

Source: Bible NKJV, The Message.

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