How to teach little children about God - Part 4

Today we are looking at how we can talk to God.

As said before when you talk to God it's called praying.


Why should we pray?

  • God made us and He love us very much. He has written everything down in the Bible that He wants us to know about Him.
  • So when we read the Bible, God speaks to us through His word. The Bible is His word.
  • Then when we pray we speak to God, we answer Him.
  • You can ask God when you need something.
  • God listen to our prayers and He answer our prayers but not always in the way we want.
  • Sometimes He wait a very long time before He answers.
  • Sometimes when we think He did not answer, He said no because He knows the best.


God is Sovereign

That means He is in control of everything. He control everything on Earth and in Heaven. He know the past and the future. So He answers our prayers, knowing things we don't. He always knows in advance what is the best for us.
So maybe you ask God for a bicycle but then time goes on and you don't get it. You must then trust God, that He knows better. Maybe God know that you will get hurt on a bicycle and decided it's best for you to not get that bicycle.

How to pray.

  • We kneel or bow our heads when we pray. This shows God that we respect Him.
  • We close our eyes so that other things cannot take our attention away from our prayer.
  • You don't need big words to speak to God. You can speak to him just as you would to a friend.
  • We call God Father or Lord. He is our Father in heaven, who care for us, look after us, protect us and provide for us. He is our Lord.


What to say in your prayer

  • Start with short sentences and thank God for what you are thankful for.
    Thank you Lord for a new day, thank you for food to eat, for a house to sleep.
  • Then you can ask things.
    Please look after me today and my mommy and daddy.
  • Pray for someone else. Maybe a granny who is sick or a friend who is sad.
    Lord, please heal my granny and my friend.
  • Then you can ask God to forgive you if you did something wrong.
    Forgive me that I pushed my friend today.
  • Things we do wrong is called sin. One of the things that are very important is to ask God to forgive our sins.
  • When we are finished praying we say Amen which means "so be it".

Next time we will learn more about sin.

Thank you for reading.



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