Learn To Start Speaking Your Truth : The Courage to Speak

let's talk about speaking your truth safely.

First, before you can share your truth with anyone else. you first need to be sure you know your own truth.

What happens often is we create chaos in our lives to avoid the truth, to avoid telling ourselves what's true, and quite frankly very often we don't even know what's true for us because we've got all of our attention and focus on everyone else around us. What do they think ?, what do they need ?, what do they feel?, what do they want ?. So, in order to tell ourselves the truth, we have to bring our attention inward. What do I need ?, what do I think?, what do I feel?, what do I want?.

Once we've told ourselves the truth the next step is to tell our truth to someone safe.

So we want to be discerning when we're choosing someone to share our truth with. we want to make sure that the person can hold us and hold our truth. One of the things that is really essential here is when we share our truth with someone safe. I often think about it as on a pressure cooker, when you push the button and let the steam out.

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I think about this the same way, any shame or feeling or guilt or discomfort or fear dissipates in the open air. So ,when we share what's true for us and give voice to that. We are allowing our own shame and discomfort to dissipate ,and then we also know we're not alone. We know that we are allowing someone else to hold our truth with us.

The third step is to make a request around how we want to be received.

Always ask, if they are able to do that. Ask if they're available to show up the way you need. It's an incredibly freeing feeling to make this request and be met in it. It allows us to focus on what we're sharing, which ultimately is increasing the capacity for intimacy and connection with the person we're sharing it with, and it also relaxes our system around concern for the other person's reaction.

These are three steps to supporting you in telling your truth safely, telling the truth to someone else is just the beginning. there is so much more that becomes possible for you once you do.

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