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The Lord's Supper and our spiritual vows

The Holy Days are approaching, and we begin to think about the supper, and when we celebrate the commemoration supper for some Christian event, it means to affirm that the supper establishes a covenant between the repentant sinner and God.

The Lord's Supper is one of the most important parts of a person's spiritual life, and only those who participate with sincerity and a desire to commit themselves to God can benefit from it.

The Holy Supper is an ordinance of the holy priesthood that reminds us of the Savior's atonement. During the Holy Supper, we partake of the bread and water and do so in remembrance of his flesh and blood.

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Also in memory of those He offered as a sacrifice for us, as we partake of the Lord's Supper, we renew sacred covenants we have made with our Heavenly Father.

The Holy Scriptures state that shortly before His crucifixion, Jesus Christ gathered His apostles in an upper room, He knew that He would soon die on the cross and that this would be the last time He would meet with His beloved apostles before His death, He wanted them to remember Him always so that they could be strengthened and remain faithful.

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By @glassblock

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