How Can the Same Academic Achievement Have Different Impacts?

Happy New Year everyone! Today, I would like to celebrate the New Year with a new perspective! We were always taught from an early age that once a goal has been achieved, it's time to move forward to the next one. It's sometimes easy to overlook the impacts (or consequences) of achieving that goal. Here is a fictional story that shows different motives behind the same achievement and how it can impact the worldview of multiple individuals.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Three students in a social studies class got the same test score. Each of them had solved all of the problems without any errors (or without any form of cheating involved). The instructor asked the students to explain each of their answers in front of the class because they were about to be designated as role models for good learning. The instructor decided to take the traditional approach and lined up the students by their last name.

The first student nervously came up to the front of the class. He wore tight jeans, a small sweater, and a pair of large glasses. Many of the students called him "little Jedi" because of his reputation for always holding a long pencil and getting everything right even though he wasn't the teacher's favorite. Just before he got to the teacher's podium, one of the bullies in the class threw a paper airplane at his back and yelled, "go fly with your little stick in your hand, eh eh eh, haha".

The teacher, who obviously should have seen what was going on, ignored the situation and gestured for the student to present. When the first student began discussing his answer, the whole class began to get drowsier, and drowsier, to the point that some of the people started to fall asleep. His explanation went something along the lines of this - "Under the psychological backdrop of the previous era where various distinct factors were evident, one could possibly see the impact of such an action where socioeconomic elements could inherently affect the technical disposition of a particular jurisdiction. Such was the philanthropic notion that pervaded a plethora of wholistic analysts of the time...".

It took nearly thirty minutes before the student got to the point, but his explanation was very accurate. The teacher, who was almost half asleep when the student finished, simply asked for his paper and labeled the student as the master of the subject. Upon hearing that he was the master, his eyes glowed with happiness and he strutted calmly to his seat while 60% of the class was fast asleep.

The second student came up and jolted the whole class with his fiery and eloquent speech. Even though you were a new student in the class, you would clearly know that he came from the speech and debate club at the school. His hand gestures, tone, clarity, and delivery were on-point. Part of his speech went like this - "You and I are part of a movement! A MOVEMENT TO MAKE OUR WORLD A BETTER PLACE! It is within us to bring joy to the world through our actions! So, I'd like you all to remember, that one small act..."

Even though he strayed from the original answer that was written on his test paper, the whole class cheered the student when he was finished. The teacher even commented, "you will be a future famous person. A hero in the making!" The student strutted proudly back to his chair with his chest held high.

The last student walked onto the podium. At this point, all the students were saying, "hah, who is this guy? The last student was the BEST! NO ONE COULD BEAT THAT GUY!" The teacher even laughed and said, "Sorry bud, just go up there do your thing. Take as long as you want. Or how much punishment from the audience you are willing to take, haha!" Oh were they so mistaken...

The student smiled warmly and stared at the crowd of jeering students. He was clearly calm, collected, and constantly calculating the situation. Even though some of the students didn't know it, he was gradually changing the whole scenario in his favor. After everyone quieted down he said, "Firstly, I would like to start with a question. Does anybody know what freedom really means? No? Good, because I don't either. Why? Because our textbook states that freedom is the very framework of humanity. May I ask, how does this help us in the real world? Every point of our education and eventual work-life is determined by a set of rules or a set of norms that we comply with. Why do we comply with them? It's been planned for us by the system. And, do you all think that the system has designed our pre-determined futures based on 'freedom'? If so, I'd like to treat you to some observations. Ah, here's one! Look at the last chapter of our textbook. It talks about high school, college, work-life, how the communities can support corporate development. Did I see any word that said that corporations and banks truly support the financial freedom of the general population? Was there any mention that corporations would respect the freedom of employees to have good welfare and provide a good living wage with benefits? Was it even emphasized that all employees have the freedom to truly speak about how to improve their workplace without fear of being castigated by their boss or given unfair underhanded treatments? And why do some students who've already graduated from college struggle to find decent jobs? Is it because they are degenerate individuals? No! Everyone has a chance to be smart. They look hopeless because of the people - the education system - that taught them to be this way from an early stage. I think there was a notable person long ago who once said that 'a student can only be as good as their teacher'. Low-caliber teachers result in low-caliber students. Eventually, some of these students will be elected into positions of high authority and they will support a low-caliber education system...My two classmates who spoke previously have given very brilliant explanations on the 'right' ideology that should be followed. And I would appreciate it if each one of them could explain how they came up with their ideas regarding the word 'freedom'. Is it really freedom we are talking about, or something else?"

The whole class was in silence. Before he could continue, the teacher interrupted the student's speech without giving him a single compliment.

"Ok, that's enough. That's enough! Good. Now, go and sit back down on your chair."

Soon after the last speaker took his seat, a student from the audience stood up and said, "my classmate is right! how is it that we have such an easy time when learning a subject, but when you ask us how to apply our knowledge to real-life scenarios on the exam, we could barely come up with an idea? How is it your example lessons are easy, but we struggle in the national exam? All we get to do all day is listen to your stories, read our fake textbooks, and play games. You never told us how to think using proper logic and reasoning?"

The instructor replied, "I'm introducing you to culture. It'll make you better, trust me!"

"You never answered my questions...", yelled the student.

"Stop it you little...just stop", demanded the instructor. "We will have a hard exam tomorrow so you better listen up. I'll grill you all on chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. You want it that way, huh? I'll savor giving you all F-grades and show your mothers! How's that huh? And I want that last student who spoke about your little...freedom to meet me after class...You know what? Class dismissed, I want to talk to this student right now. All of you GET OUT NOW!"

After all the students had walked quickly out of the door in fear, the last student speaker calmly walked up to the instructor and asked, "is there anything you would like me to clarify about my previous statements, ma'am?"

"No. You, my friend, are way ahead of your time. These students could be jumping up like little chickens following your call. Before you know it, you could be starting a whole school movement with your words. Here's what I'll do with you. You're EXEMPTED...with honors. How's that?"

"I'm pleasantly surprised! Could you please put that in writing ma'am?", the student said.

"Fine! Here is the signed exemption form. Bring that to the school office, will ya?", the teacher hastily said.

"Ok thanks, have a nice day ma'am!", the student said with a smile.

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