The cat and the mouse- A poem for kids

There once was a cat so meek and so shy,

Whose fur would stand up when a mouse went by.

It trembled with fear, it trembled with dread,

For the mouse was a creature that filled it with dread.

It hid in its bed, beneath the soft covers,

Hoping the mouse would be gone, like a dream discovered.

But alas, the mouse was still there with its squeak,

And the cat could not escape, it was trapped and unique.

It dreamed of the day it would be brave and bold,

To face the mouse and watch it scurry and scold.

But for now, it would hide and shake with such fright,

Until the mouse was gone, and it saw the light.

The end of its fear, the end of its pain,

It would finally be free, to not feel restrained.

The cat finally found the courage to stand and face its fear,

now it can mouse-watch without any tear.

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