Reduce Violence for Welfare: Article |

By Cut Sari Ramadhani

Welfare is one of the things that the general public wants, of course. However, as we know that reality is not as beautiful as expectations, welfare in Indonesia, especially in Aceh, is starting to fade. Speaking of welfare, this does not only belong to the individual but also to everyone. If every individual is happy then everyone is happy, but the violence that occurs becomes an obstacle to this happiness.

According to Abdul Munir Mulkan, violence is a physical activity carried out by a person or group of people to injure, damage, or destroy other people or property and all living facilities that are part of the other person ( The conflict that has been manifested in physical form can also be called violence.

Physical and psychological

Violence can occur anywhere and anytime, not only in physical form, in psychological and sexual forms. Indiscriminately and can target anyone, from the young to the elderly (elderly), violence occurs predominantly against women and children, but inevitably for men.

One form of injustice in the family is the occurrence of violence against family members by their own family members. Sometimes women are considered weak by men, this is one of the starting points of violence because men look down on women.

According to data on the page cases of violence against women from 2016 to 2018, the overall data based on districts/cities are 711, 681, and 640 respectively. Even more surprising, the most dominant form of violence was achieved in 2017 is in the form of Domestic Violence (KDRT) to sexual exploitation, and so on.

In Aceh Province, in 2019 there were 640 cases, 2020 in the first quarter there were 146 cases, and in 2020 in the second quarter there were 238 cases of violence against women in districts/cities. Although cases have decreased, there is a possibility that the form of violence will increase. The majority of residents think that this should not be reported because family problems are a shame that must be covered up. This is precisely what causes the perpetrator to be arbitrary towards the victim.

The iceberg phenomenon

With the rampant violence against women in Aceh, protection for women seems to have not been prioritized by the community or the government itself.

"The iceberg phenomenon", is what Aceh Governor Nova Iriansyah said at the International Webinar, Monday, July 20, 2020. The meaning of the iceberg phenomenon is, cases that are seen to be inversely proportional to those that are not seen or the reality is not visible on the surface. "This phenomenon is like the tip of an iceberg, where the data is only the surface view. Even though the bottom is much denser.

This iceberg phenomenon will continue to occur when all of us, be it family, social and community, are ignorant and do nothing, ”( Some of the most dominant violence experienced by women in the family such as KDRT (Domestic Violence), psychological violence, neglect, and physical violence.

Domestic violence is one of the triggers for the increase in divorce, the Junior Clerk of the Aceh Sharia Court, Abdul Latif, stated that since 2020 (January-May) divorce cases in Aceh were recorded 2,397, with the category of divorce 660 cases and divorce suit 1,737 cases. Of all 23 districts/cities in Aceh, the highest number of divorces was achieved by Aceh Utara, followed by Bireun, Aceh Timur, and Aceh Tamiang with 280, 200, 167, and 152 cases.

Not only women children are victims, even violence against children has jumped from five years ago. In Aceh Province from 2018 to 2020 in the first and second quarters, there were 736, 518, 170, and 269 cases. More than 10 forms of violence in 2020 in the second quarter (January-June) occurred, and the most dominant was sexual harassment with 93 cases, followed by psychological violence with 80 cases with a total of 363 cases.

The violence against children that we most often encounter among children is bullying. Bully or bullying can happen physically or verbally. At school, children who are treated like this by their own friends must be depressed. In fact, school is a place to study, not to receive inappropriate treatment. Sometimes the teacher is not respected by the perpetrator.

In general, there are five impacts of violence experienced by victims as experiencing trauma, depression, difficulty trusting others, decreased self-confidence to suicide, and hurting yourself. Apart from physical violence, emotional/psychological violence also makes an impression in the long term. Therefore, preventive action against violence is needed, such as increasing good communication, helping children protect themselves and not being neglected, provision of martial arts and other sciences, providing counseling, and so on.

To prevent and reduce the occurrence of violence, it is necessary to take actions that produce results. As a teenager who is part of the community, a high level of concern is needed if he finds out that his friends are victims of violence. We as humans have to help each other, and it all depends on ourselves, whether we want to or not. Empathy, tolerance, not hurting each other, acting fairly are all necessary.[]

Cut Sari Ramadhani, student of SMAS Sukma Bangsa Pidie. The second winner in the category of students in the "Hope for Aceh Change" Article Writing Competition held by Universitas Malikussaleh supported by Mubadala Petroleum, Premier Oil, and SKK Migas.

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