Modern Love!

Just finished a wholesome anthology series and loved it with all of my heart.

Two days back, while scrolling over social media, came across a movie clip where Anne Hathaway was expressing herself as bipolar. The way she was narrate her mental condition to a friend just caught me up. Her crocked-up voice, untold harsh truth, mentally imbalanced condition, crying for a helping hand everything came out in just one shot. So I was instantly searching for the name and it's called "Modern Love".

Truly speaking, I wasn't up for any romantic film but this constant thinking was hovering in my mind that I might regret it later if I don't give this series a chance. And I was right!

So leaving all the guilts of due work behind, took the laptop and played it. I can't believe how each of the stories tries to reveal love in its own way.

Though I already told this in my "love actually" movie review love comes in different shapes, in different ways. But this anthology touched and compile all the storylines in a very unique way that most of us couldn't guess this though.

Many of us always think of our parents as the closest people in our hearts. But when you're out in the world, on your own, sometimes the person nearest you become the closest one, from whom you can get some comfort or a moment in time. Like, think of your doorman for an instant. He is the person who is seeing you day and night, can know who are you going with, can observe your insecurity, emotional issues and things like that. And in the first story, a doorman comes like a guardian angel to a young writer's life. With whom, she expressed her ultimate complexion that might be hard to explain to her long-distanced parents. How many of us are lucky enough to have this kind of comfort zone?

I has a positive impression from the beginning for the second episode as Dev Patel was there (ok, alright, I'm confessing, I adore him a lot). Though it was carrying a sweet lovely vibe but this story can't hold me for so long. Personally, I don't think one can fully rely for the second time on their partner if they cheated once. It's not easy to regain trust again.

Then comes that previous bipolar girl. Man, I love this one the most! I never get to imagine the struggle of bipolar can have if I didn't see this story. In my surroundings, one of my friends' big brother has this condition but never guessed how worst it could be! Like you are over the heel for one day and the next morning, boom, another opposite dimension of yourself can just pop up. And you have literally do nothing to stop that power. If your peoples don't know about your situation, then you can't make any healthy long-term relations. Though there are no solutions for it, I just love the way they showed how to cope with the diseases.

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In our present dating culture, the young generation are randomly asking out each other, which has also brought out here. Where everybody is concerned about the first impression, one can get really lucky if they can find true love in their most vulnerable situation. I really enjoyed the theme that very few of us really care to be around in the utmost pain of one, I mean in the case of an accident, some of your friends can show excuses too for not helping out but how can one expect someone to be around the whole night on their 2nd date! Where you really don't know any serious information about your partner. So this story was something else.

Now leave these date things, we even sometimes struggle in our marriage life, when life becomes only child-centric. Some parents couple may think about what would happen to them when their kids get detached from them for college or jobs. Will the couple survive in the long run, will there be enough things to talk about? Can they tolerate each other? Some of us do marriage counselling for these issues, but when it doesn't work either, what can help them to survive in the long run?

Near the end, they bring up a gay couple's story and their struggle with adopting a child. I was so excited seeing Moriarty here (yep, die-hard fan of sherlock!) but is Andrew Scott gay in real life too? I don't know why it feels like he is so good with this gay thing :3 Ok, now tell me, when you are looking for any couple for giving away your child, you must look first if they have a stable home, or moderate income to raise your kid right? But here, the mom sees only if the gay couple loves each other or not, that's it!

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And finally, the last story was about an aged couple. I think very few of us can think to give love a second chance at the age of 70 or 80. But you know what they say, the race grows sweeter near its final lap Here, while you know death can tear one apart on any day still you take the dare, and listen to your heart. This episode taught me not to lose hope in love till the end!

We all know love touches us in many ways throughout our life. The co-workers of yours, the old grumpy stationery shopkeeper, the lovely neighbour, your hard-working maid, sweet juniors from your university all of them pour their love in different stages of your life. Sometimes we feel thankful for that, and sometimes they passed by, unnoticed. That's why I'm trying to be grateful to all the people who come across my life. With the help of those, I'm still standing strong on my feet.

So overall, it was an overwhelming film which just poured me with the happy emotions, that I needed! One can easily connect with the storylines which make the series so special. Though each of the stories is only 30 minutes long, you can get a perfect scenario within this short length. And all the famous cast members bring it to another level! Oh and most importantly, they have beautiful soundtracks with each of the stories which will just soothe your ears! Though there were some plot holes which I want to overlook.

Oh and this review is only based on season 1. There is a season 2 too! Can't wait to see that, heard Kit Harington act in one of the stories!

So lastly, a recommended film to everyone!! Happy watching!! ♥️

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