The Best Ending To An Amazing Series 🍿


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When I first starting movies, I did not think I would like sitcoms just because I did not want my laugher or other reactions to be controlled by others. I initially thought the reactions were computer generated but when I got to know it was actually live reactions, I got more intrigued.

Would it not be weird to act a movie or an entire series in front of an audience where you get to see their reactions? In a way it is similar to the theater and plays but then plays do not last anywhere close to sitcoms. Naturally, this got me more intrigued to start watching sitcoms.

It is amazing one of my all-time favorite movies is a sitcom considering how much sceptic I was at first. I guess it really is true that we fall in love with things and people we do not expect to. When I did decide to try out sitcoms, I remembered my friends always talk about this particular sitcom which I must admit I initially though was all about science. My friends in high school were science students like myself and so when I heard ”Big Bang Theory”, I imagined it was about the mysterious big bang that some people believe to have brought life into existence.



The big bang theory undoubtedly revolves around the sciences but it is more than that as it tackles a lot of issues. The story line in my opinion is great and the characters did marvelously with the movie. This is not a review but I will try to minimize the spoilers so that those who decide to watch after this can watch and still get excited.

The 12 seasons of the big bang theory initially focusses on four friends who are all physicists and because they are nerds, they are not very social with the outside world. It all changes when someone new is introduced into their lives. Sheldon and Leonard returning from the sperm bank after getting cold feet to donate their sperm meet their new neighbor Penny who is immediately liked or if I am bold enough, loved by Leonard. You can call it a love at first sight.


Sheldon and Leonard meet Penny

Their first encounter is as weird as it gets when all three say hi more than the usual. They exchange pleasantries and Leonard makes a bold statement to his friend and roommate Sheldon. ”Our babies will be smart and beautiful” are the words Leonard utter even though he knows it will be very difficult to woo a woman like Penny who at a glance and by appearance does not look like someone in their world.

The other two friends of Leonard and Sheldon, Raj and Howard come for their usual hang and meet Penny as well. Leonard hilariously calls dibs on Penny but Howard does not give up becomes he believes he has more of a chance. Raj who kind of has a condition and cannot speak when women are present decides to stay off and Sheldon who only cares about science is not even interested. Howard is the funniest in the group, Sheldon is the weirdest one who does not understand human emotions and always want to get his way. Leonard is the more caring one in the group and Raj is the Indian guy who cares and maybe has too much emotions in the group.


Penny soon becomes a part of the group and with problems with her acting career, she finds a job at the cheesecake factory. She is always taunted by the boys by how bad she is at waitressing. That puts her in a difficult financial position. Penny becomes closest to Leonard who is always there for her and when he realizes he would not be able to get her at first, they remain just friends.

Sheldon initially not liking her so much warms to her because of her great personality as she tries to make them understand the other aspects of the world. Leonard, Sheldon, Raj, Howard do almost everything together and are always taunted by Sheldon’s antics as he insists, he is more brilliant than them all.


Sheldon and Howard

The constant fun making of Howard for not having a doctorate is very fun. It is funny when they all go out and everyone is referred to as doctor but then it is always Mr. Howard. Sheldon also makes fun of him because he went to MIT and he claims everyone can be an engineer. Sheldon cannot realistic when anyone is being sarcastic and those scenes where he always tries to decipher if someone is being sarcastic is very funny.


Sheldon obsessed over a card trick

I bet you’d laugh your lungs out as Sheldon’s always seriously responding to sarcastic comments. Although, Sheldon is very brilliant, his inability to properly display his emotions and to act concerned for others makes it challenging and can get his friends very mad at him at times.

Throughout the series, his friends make big strides to rectify that. At the end of the first season Leonard gets his chance with Penny and they try to start a romantic relationship. When they get back from their first date, Howards and the others spy on the two of them with a camera. They then tell Leonard based on how he and Penny kissed, the date was not successful.

Leonard and Penny still date and Howard reminds Leonard of a pact they had which of course Leonard tries to deny but Sheldon reminds them both of the exact date, time and what they were doing when they made the pact to set the other which their partner’s friend whoever gets a girl first.


The start of a new life for Howard starts here as he is introduced to Benedette. Benedette is a microbiologist who is still in school. Initially, she does not appreciate Howard’s jokes but she gets them later on and they two of them make a formidable team after their ups and downs. After Howard has online game sex, Benedette is angry and leaves him. Howard apologises after Penny makes him understand how lucky he will be to be with a woman like Benedette. They get back together.


Howard and Benedette first date

At the beginning of season 4, Sheldon is tricked into going on a date when Raj and Leonard find him a match on a dating site. He likes how Amy is almost like him and does not give in to the social requirements and the two of them have a good friendship. The group teases him of having a girlfriend now but he always maintains they are just friends. One of my personal favorite scenes is when Sheldon, Leonard, Penny and Raj are having dinner and Penny is told Sheldon has a girlfriend.

Sheldon says, “Yes, I have a friend who is a girl, and yes, I talk to her all the time and yes she is called Amy, but she is not my girlfriend”. I guarantee you it is way funnier than how I put it. The group even gives name a couple name, Shamy.


Penny learns about Shamy

Penny asks him what they talk about and he says they have been talking about bringing a baby into the world. She immediately spits out the water in her mouth and Howard hands her a napkin with his robot. The whole group is surprised by this because Sheldon does not even give handshakes and the idea of sex has always disgusted him. He even tells Penny once why would he want to have sex when it involves calling out to a deity like Penny always shouts, “Oh, God” when she is having sex with Leonard. Hehe that scene is golden. Sheldon then tells Penny he and Amy plans to do it the clinical way and would be glad with Penny as the host because she has broad hips. Penny makes him understand he has to go on dates with Amy because they are certain she likes him.


They start going on dates which is awkward for them both. Amy makes the move but Sheldon initially does not agree because he does not believe he loves her till she starts going on dates with the ever loving, every one’s favorite character Kripky. Kripky is one of the best in the entire series for me. Dating Amy results in huge changes in Sheldon’s life as he begins to care more and be a little less self-centered. During that time, the group makes him understand that it should not always be about him now and he should make time for Amy. He draws up a relationship agreement which Amy signs. If you watch this, it wouldn’t sound strange because he even has a roommate agreement with Leonard.


Raj is finally able to speak to women after he gets his heart broken. That opens up a new opportunity for him although he still struggles to find a partner. However, he stops being a spoiled child and makes significant progress in his profession. Howard is his best friend and everyone rightly thinks they are gay because of how they behave and interact. Sheldon finally gives Howard his respect when he travels to space and becomes an astronaut. He is finally able to move out of his mother’s house and moves in with his wife.


Penny and Leonard wedding

Penny and Leonard get married too but do it quietly making some of their friends mad at them. Even their family isn’t very happy with that decision and so they hold another marriage ceremony. That is where we get to see how dysfunctional both families are.


This feels really long and I would not want to bore you guys any further. Amy and Sheldon too get married after going through some rough patches but find their way back. What makes Sheldon propose is quite funny. His assistant kisses him and it makes him realize he only wants to kiss Amy and takes a flight to go propose.


Amy and Sheldon wedding

The two of them start working on a paper together which honestly, they got their breakthrough to string theory at their wedding while Sheldon was wearing his tie. They solve string theory which Sheldon has dedicated his whole life to solving. There is a chance to finally get Sheldon’s long life goal of winning the Nobel Prize. It is initially met with some resistance but they prove they solved it and get the award.

Sheldon hates changes and when Raj helps Amy have a makeover, Sheldon is angry. He storms out and realizes the elevator which has been broken for 12 years is finally fixed. That makes him more angry which Penny helps him out. Penny takes him out for ice cream and makes him understand that change is constant and that it is completely acceptable. He goes home and apologizes to Amy and with his friends, they all plan to go for the award in S.


The group plus Amy is angry at how little Shedon still cares about them and threaten to leave. Amy tells him the hard truth and they go out for their award. Sheldon is surprised to see all his friends at the ceremony and delivers the perfect speech.


Sheldon and Amy receiving their Nobel prize

“I would not be here if not for some very important people in my life. My mom, dad, meemaw, brother and sister, wife and to my other family who I wouldn’t be here without. I would like to ask them to stand, Doctor Rajesh, Doctor Benedette, Astronaut Howard and to my two dearest friends in the world Penny and Doctor Leonard Hobstadar. I know I have not been the friend that you deserve but I want you to know that in my way, I love you all.”


Honestly, you would appreciate this speech more if you actually watch it and feel the emotions but the best will be to watch the entire series and you would understand just how amazing it is that on Sheldon’s biggest night, he was not selfish.

For me, the personal growth from Sheldon and the speech at the end is the greatest ending in cinema for me.

All images except the cover image are screenshots from the movie.

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