The movie ,,The Last Screenwriter" - A story about AI, scripts and the limits of creativity.

The movie ,,The Last Screenwriter" - A story about AI, scripts and the limits of creativity.

The film ,,The Last Screenwriter", the first feature film entirely written by artificial intelligence ChatGPT, has caused controversy since its announcement. Now, the premiere has been canceled due to "concerns about using AI in place of a human screenwriter."

Captură de ecran 2024-06-21 224141.png

just a screenshot from the trailer

The film follows the story of Jack, a famous screenwriter who discovers a revolutionary AI writing system. Skeptical at first, Jack is amazed by the AI's ability to create moving and meaningful stories. The film explores the impact of AI on the film industry and the arts in general, asking a fundamental question: Can artificial intelligence replace human creativity?

I watched the trailer of the movie and while it is visually exciting, the dialogues seem slightly flat and predictable. My experience with AI assistants confirms that while they can be useful tools, they need a human hand to refine and improve the materials they generate.

I think AI can be a valuable tool for screenwriters, providing new ideas and perspectives. However, i don't think it can completely replace human creativity and emotion. A good screenplay needs more than just a well-structured story; it needs soul, nuance and a deep connection with the audience. And that only comes from a talented human writer.

I understand the reluctance of the general public about AI, a technology often associated with dystopian sci-fi scenarios. It is important to approach this topic calmly and rationally, analyzing both the risks and benefits of AI.

AI is not a monster, but a tool😊 - in general, automation and advanced algorithms can have a significant impact on the labor market and our private lives. However, it is important not to be swayed by irrational fear. AI is a technology created by humans and can be used for beneficial purposes if properly regulated and directed.

I believe the future of creativity lies in the collaboration between humans and AI. Artificial intelligence can be a valuable tool to amplify our imaginations and take our stories to a new level. But to create truly memorable works of art, you will always need the magic and emotion of the human heart.

Captură de ecran 2024-06-21 224106.png

just a screenshot from the trailer

The cancellation of the premiere of ,,The Last Screenwriter" is an opportunity to open an important discussion about the role of AI in the art of cinema.

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