Binge on This - Outlander: Well Made Historical Fiction, Not Only for Couples

Finally there is another TV series I can post about in my Binge on This collection. It's a show my wife and I have enjoyed watching together, but it took the latest season took a bit of time to come out, so I never got to write about it. It is a series that combines mystery, supernatural stuff, historical events, love romance, as well as its fair share of ugly stuff. Now you might say, that show is all over the place, but the truth is, they managed to combine it all very skillfully into a coherent and highly enjoyable story. The title is Outlander.

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Before the Series Came the Book

Watching Outlander I kinda had the feeling I'd encountered this subgenre before: Interesting history is diluted to the minimal by lengthy description of love, romance, desire, and passion. I could virtually see the author with my inner eyes - obviously female, somewhere in the second half of the twentieth century, typing away book after book. Those would get snatched up by bored housewives desperate to read sequel after sequel, filled with steamy description of true, wonderful love. sigh! Not that I belittle any of this, and if they enjoy it, more power to both author and readers. It's just that I would get a bit disappointed that the rest of the story, along with the underlying history, came a bit short in many of these types of books.

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Not so with this series! Granted, I have not looked at any of the books it was based on, but I would say the series puts just as much effort into illustrating the epoch with its numerous peculiarities, as it shows the relationship of the protagonists. By the way, the only thing I was wrong about was the time the books were written: Diana Gabaldon published the book the first season was based on in 1991, with the subsequent ones in the following years. The first season of the TV show premiered in 2014.

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From Post-WWII to 18th Century Scotland

A British Army nurse in Scotland right after WWII stumbles back two centuries where she is caught up in the Jacobite uprising. Her twentieth century knowledge gives her many advantages, particularly with medical issues, but it also overwhelms her in numerous ways for the worse. Eventually she meets a handsome Scottish nobleman she marries, and thus starts developing a romantic relationship. Even here it is interesting to see how the two gradually develop the trust and love between each other. While the protagonist brings in many modern viewpoints from the 20th century, in the given setting they are attributed to her unusual personality, which her husband is already attracted to. This trust between the two only deepens as the series progresses, taking them on various adventures.

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Together they go through times of joy and sorrow. At some point her husband is captured, tortured, and raped by a direct ancestor of her 20th century husband, who even bears his striking image (as he's played by the same actor). These horrific scenes notwithstanding, her imprisoned husband is eventually rescued, and the final veil of secret is lifted between them: she tells him that she is from the future.

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The Eternal Question of Time-Travel Stories: Changing History

Together with her husband in the know, they try to change history focusing on the lost battle of Culloden, which brought an end to the Jacobite cause. This effort takes them to the court of Versalles, where they encounter many interesting characters and events. In the end, however, the result is the same: history will not be changed, and highland culture is bound to be lost.

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Over the course of the six seasons she does return to the 20th century, where she gives birth to her daughter and finishes medical school as one of the first women. Eventually, however, she goes back to reunite with her husband in the 18th century, followed by her adult daughter, as well as her partner she met in Scotland. After going through many unlikely mishaps, they all end up as early settlers in North Carolina, not long before the American Revolution. This time the plan is to take advantage of history rather than change it.

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Swelling Scottish Pride

Beside the admirably equal and modern relationship between the protagonists, and the historical quirks we are offered in each episode having to do with the 18th and 20th century characters, Outlander does an excellent job in showing Scottish Highland culture in a very sympathetic way. Though neither my wife nor I have any Scottish ancestry, it didn't take long before the series made us feel like proud Highlanders. This could be due to the music, clothes, and other cultural aspects the show presents tirelessly.

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The fact that the Scots ended up being the underdogs in the cultural struggle only adds to this. But what may have the biggest effect, is the language used, not only verbally, but also in the subtitles. Aye and nay are sort of straight forward, Lad and lass also. But dinna , or ken, wee and bonny...? None of it is too difficult, but it takes a bit of attention. Though after the third episode you'll catch yourself speaking like a highlander yourself. At least that's what happened to us.

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Outlander is Worth a Try

So if you're looking for a series that is historical, romantic, funny and quirky, but won't look away from the horrible, and illustrates Scottish life in the 18th century, Outlander may just be for you! But don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself! Here is the trailer of the first season:


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