The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Years - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP


This is a series I was waiting for and it has not disappoint at all, I know if you are not fan a of TWD you might not get it, find it boring, what ever the reason but I'm sure even for people who know nothing about TWD first episode of The Ones Who Live was awesome, name of the series very long though, that's why I will use the abbreviation TWD (The Walking Dead) during the entire time.
This spin off of TWD is different than others, there has never been a spin off with the two main characters of the series, well at least towards the ending but Rick has been the lead all the time, then came in Michonne. Last two spin off where good with Daril Dyxon turning way better than I expect it but so far I have to say for TWD fans this has to be a solid 9/10, its on the OG series level, connects with the ending of the series with the two main characters, its ruthless from the beginning Rick taking desperate measures to go back with Michonne, unexpected ending of the episode, Zombies still have to do with the series and we keep getting variants or things that were not seen about Zombies on the OG series, lot of depression from Rick something the OG series was constantly pumping.
The episode is full of details so I went with was the most important that generated reactions down the line, first it starts with iconic scenes like when Rick got out of the hospital he was in while the world went to hell, the classic long ride to the city on a horse, Michonne and her two Zombie escorts, no arms, no teeth and what I assume is the last shot, Rick next to Carl. I never finish the OG series so I had to watch a few episodes of the least season after finish this episode although tbh its not necessary for anyone new to the series.
Rick was rescue by the CRM (Civic Republic Military) basically another group trying to be the new world order but this one is way more organize than what we have seen before, on the OG series and the spin offs, those capture or rescue are given the chance to become citizens, they have to do labor and work for the system until they get approve but Rick doesn't want any of this he just wants to go home but he cant, the CRM HQ is in Philadelphia but no body knows, its hidden and they want to to remain like that so you can get in but never get out. Rick is send out to take care of Zombies, he have try to escape three times already, his guard got a leach on his arm, its many meters long, Rick decides to cut off his hole hand to get off the leach but the obvious answer, he failed, he gets capture again.
It looks like Rick and Michonne has some history before the Zombie Apocalypse, the spin off wont tell you the when and why of this, things change drastically so fast because now we have Rick without his left hand, he has a bunch of memories from Michonne and their daughter, some drawings on what looks like iPhones using them as canvas to draw over them, been at the CRM is killing him from the inside and he is very close to take his life unless something changes, he already took off his hand.
Source You might ask why the CRM is keeping Rick if he is such a trouble maker, well I think its because of Donald Okafor and Major General Beal who have seen something in Rick, they also probably have some background of him, keeping Rick working on the barracks basically until he gives up and join them.
Through all this time Rick has made some friends, looks like everyone knows Rick probably because he has been so problematic but a friend inside, Esteban; has become a citizen and given a Deputy position, Rick already thinking how to leverage him on his favor to escape the moment they had this conversation, this shows how Rick character has not change a bit and increase that survival instinct.
Rick eventually gives in, he joins the CRM but the most important part is that he surrender to the idea that he will never see Michonne again, he burn al the memories, drawings, everything he had about her and decided to start from scratch, this doesn't happen in a day, this is usually the result of a lot of training, at the CRM he is train to be an active soldier, teach how to fly a helicopter, send out to missions, the military live style kicks in and keeps him busy enough that he doesn't feel lonely anymore, but it cant be that easy, he decides to give up after his last attempt to escape was frustrated by a little girl that got into his way and he decides to safe form Zombies close to hear instead of escaping.
There seem to be a female version of Rick in camp, her name Pearl Thorne who use to work on submarines and was found by Donald too, she even try to kill him to leave her there to die but he saw something in both of them, Donald wants to change the CRM from the inside, both Rick and Pearl are key part of this plan so he starts to train them to be leaders, move all the way to the top and start to change things from the inside.
For new viewers I can understand this was too much for one episode, too much background and flash backs but for TWD fans this was a great episode for been the start of the season, the ending is epic, if only Rick knew all he had to do was to give in but then brings the question of whats next? will he go back to change the CRM? I like there were not many cliff hangers. Aside from the first episode there is something that worries me and its that there are only four episodes listed so where does this take the series? are they changing the format with less episodes but more frequent seasons? From what I saw on this episode for sure the theme about the series will be Rick against the CRM but probably as an infiltrated agent.

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