The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: What We - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP


Rick and Michonne are back at it in the wild, this is good because from now on the series will be more versatile in terms of whats going to happen next, its not anymore about CRM conspiracy but also surviving in the wild so possibilities are infinite. Before they came to an agreement to stay together an entire twenty four hour argument had to happen, this episode made me feel like I was in my 20s again having an argument with my girlfriend, those type of argument that last for days and not even how hard you try can't come to an agreement, it was exhausting and I was constantly wanting to fast forward but that would ruin the episode for me so I had to stay put with all the bullshit of this episode, I have to say TWD does have a strong fan base because on IMDB this episode got a 9.2 with over 2600+ votes, WTF!
In my opinion this is the worst episode from the last three spin off considering this is the best spin off out of the three, it sounds weird but that's just how I see it, besides there was nothing special about the ending, I didn't like it at all but that doesn't mean its a 1/10 that would be ridiculous just as some people score movies and tv series online, to be fair I would give it a 6/10.
On episode three after their mission, the CRM helicopter was heading back to Philadelphia during a storm, Michonne open the helicopter door and take Rick down with her without even knowing where they would land, there is no way she knew they were over water at that point, probably saw something from the front helicopter window but still. Landed in the water, went back to shore and got into a building where the entire argument starts, Rick immediately ask for the PBR (GPS) back since he lost his, to let know the CRM where they are.
Surprise surprise, Michonne with Rick with, you have another kid his name is Rick too, how about that, she was pregnant when Rick disappear after the bridge incident, his son is the one who call him the Brave Men. Comando, episode reference for Rick jeje; answers back we have to go back.
This is if I'm not mistaken the first 20 minutes of the episode, every argument ends up with give me the PRB we need to go back, doesn't matter how and how many times Michonne tries to raise the case that they have children back home waiting for them, asking for their father and Rick refuse to go back mainly because he fears Jadis will go looking for them because she is all in for the CRM cause and that implies to keep it a secret.
The next day after the storm Michonne is over arguing with Rick because he is the one who does not want to go back so she gave him the PRB and notice that the helicopter they were flying in had hit the building next to them, she save Rick by jumping from the helicopter, this means they are "dead" too, minutes after they notice this another CRM helicopter comes in and launch rockets to destroy the helicopter that had crash trying to leave zero evidence of the CRM behind. Another argument about the hole situation starts, my eyes role back thinking here we go again but Michonne this time cut the bullshit and decided to go home without Rick and he finally decided to go with her, wasn't easy because the first time they try after another big argument there were walkers outside who stop them from leaving.
Finally after all the arguments and talking Rick explains why he could not go back with her, it was not the fear that the CRM or Jadis will go looking for them, Rick lost his memories, he forgot Carl face first and then fear he would forget Michonne too, that's why he kept trying to dream about her, there was episode with Rick and Michonne eating in the park, I was like that never happen why this images, well it was Rick forcing himself to not forgetting Michonne face, that is why Rick couldn't go back with her, at times he totally forgot what he felt for her and now that she is back he remembers but there is some weird confusion going on with him.
If you ask me this is not a confusing episode, its very simple, Rick try everything he could to escape the CRM and go back with Michonne for years, more than eight years trying to escape form the CRM even cut his arm to the point he start forgetting his love ones, like his son Carl and fear he forgets about Michonne too but when he finally took the desicion to go all in the CRM, when the military life suck him in, Okafor gave him a purpose again a life within the CRM by promoting him, days latter Michonne appears again on his life, the decision was easy go back with her but he didn't he actually made things worst for them by taking Michonne back with him to Philadephia because Jadis now knows they together and I'm sure that most likely she will go after them the main reason for this assumption is because Rick knows way too much about the CRM and Jadis did mention that if they escape would be the first ones to do it, the CRM will lift every stone on earth to find them and finish them.

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