The Last of Us: Endure and Survive - Personal Opinion


On this episode we get to know a bit more about Henry, at this point in the series I haven't figure out what the hell did Henry did to piss off that much Kathleen, It's clear she is a dictator and wants to kill everyone who was with the government before they took the city but not only she wants Henry dead but his little brother Sam too. I will probably re watch episodes 4 and 5 if I have too. I really don't want to Google it since I haven't played the game and as I mentioned in my previous post it's like cheating. This episode was release on Friday 10th, I thought it was leak but HBO decided to change the schedule because of the Super Bowl, that makes sense, seems to be that this weekend was packed with action, WRC, The Last of Us, La Liga, Super Bowl, so many things to talk about, have some on queue so stay close.


I didn't want to release this post during the weekend because I'm sure there is an amount of people that didn't know the episode would be released earlier so I didn't want to spoil it. Pay close attention to the title of this episode “Endure and Survive” because that's exactly what's going to happen, in life we always have events that we can't control, they are very bad that leave a mark in our conscience but we just have to keep on trucking and don't look back.

On previous episode we saw Kathleen interrogating Edelstein and old man who seem to work with the FEDRA before they took over the city, remember I haven't seen the or play the game so I don't know much about the entire story and that's how I want to enjoy the show, hopefully they release an episode with a flashback explaining old days when the FEDRA had Kansa City under their control so we can know more about Edelstein, Henry and Sam.

Eldestein was the one helping Henry and Sam to hide, they were trying to get out of the city, supplies, food are harder to find and they were hidden in some sort of attic, supposedly a safe house back in the days of FEDRA.


After a while Henry and Sam run out of food, initially they only had food for about 11 days, Henry knew that it was just a matter of time that Kathleen find any of the three, Henry, Sam or Edelstein and that day come when Edelstein went out to get food and didn't come back. During the day Henry heard people shooting close to where they were and it was when Joel and Ellie arrive the city, there was a shooting and that was the moment when Henry saw Joel for the first time, I guess that's one of the reasons why he didn't kill him right away when they found them on that floor 33 where they were hiding.


Right from the beginning Ellie and Sam hit it off, Joel figures out Henry won't kill them, they just want to get out of the city same as Joel and Ellie, Henry knows there is a price on his head but Joel is in that same competition. That night they shared food and a few stories. Both Henry and Sam are calm and good people, Ellie obviously more friendly that Joel kept the conversation alive.


The plan is simple, they all want to get out and Henry knows how to do it, and then FINALLY we get something that is probably the beginning of the entire explanation why Kathleen hates so much Henry, he is a FEDRA collaborator, he use to provide FEDRA with information and as Kathleen I'm sure her family was in the opposite side so Henry had to do something that affect her directly, either kill or snitch on someone she care about.


Here comes the juicy part of this episode, as the Grey Hair Old Fox Joel is, when Henry told him he was a collaborator, a snitch, a rat for FEDRA right from the start he said “I don't work with rats” but remember the title Endure and Survive, Joel knew that Henry probably knows how to get out and was his best shot at this moment, Henry comes clean too and tells him that he saw the day they were ambush and Joel kill those other guys.
The plan is out get of the city through some tunnels, Joel was like WTH, because most likely as any horror movie scenario is full of infected, Joel tells them it's not because FEDRA clean it up, if it's true it should be easy to get through the tunnels and then cross the river. After some time walking they got to an abandoned underground shelter where they took some rest and the kids were playing.


FINALLY!!! I got the information I was looking for, why the HELL Kathleen wants Henry dead so much. In this scene we find a different Kathleen, not aggressive, no asking people to find Henry and his brother every five minutes, we find Kathleen vulnerable, remembering old times, she was inside a kids room. Henry snitch Michael and he ends up in jail, Kathleen’s brother, she started to remember how close she was with his brother, she explains how that room was their perfect box that as long as they were together inside that box they would be safe.


All of the sudden Kathleen embrace the chaos and admits her brother was a good person, he was kind, he ask her to forgive others that hurt him, then she mentions she was not like her brother, he would be horrified by all the things she have done and she wont forgive Henry, She wants to hurt him and anyone he loves.


After Joel, Allie, Henry and Sam get out of the tunnels they finally were out of the city and close to crossing the river but they find themself trap because there was a sniper in the second floor of a house who pin them down, the sniper was not good at all and was only shooting to whatever moves, Joel figure this out so decided to go around the house and take over. Joe goes around the house into the second floor while the others wait for his signal to move forward, turns out it was just an old man, Anthony, with a rifle who works for Kathleen and guards the limits of the city. The old man had a radio and for sure let the others know there was someone trying to get out of the city, Kathleen must have imagine it was Henry so they got everyone together and went hunting for Henry.


Kathleen arrives with the rest of her crew and Henry, Sam and Ellie end up in the middle of the battle, Joel puts down one of Kathleen trucks and it explodes setting on fire an old house, so far during this episode we haven't seen any infected, seems Kansas was clean up good by FEDRA, until now different from other post apocalyptic tv shows it's more about the story of the people and not about the infected so far.


Kathleen got them surrounded, Joel is out number with not too many bullets, Henry is about to give up, the truck that exploded falls into a hole and suddenly THE MOTHER OF ALL INFECTED comes out of the ground, a large amount of infected start to crawl up an attack everyone on their way so Henry, Sam and Elli start to run towards Joel but on several occasions they were trap by the infected, everyone starts getting bitten or eaten by the infected.


Joel tries to cover the guys with the very few bullets le has left and suddenly they hear a growling coming from underneath, it was THE FINAL BOSS of this episode, an infected like no other, was big, mean and no matter how many times you shoot at him he kept killing people.


During the scramble Henry and Sam get separated from Ellie, at this point she seems to be more capable of fighting infected not as in episode one although she was trap in a van with an infected but Joel shoot the infected down she gets out and find Henry and Sam under a car kicking infected that were after them, she takes her knife and stab them, I don't why she was able to neutralize them or kill them so easy if usually you have to blow their head, didn't like that.

Kathleen gets to them before they could escape and points her gun at them, before she could start giving a speech of how she hates them and wants to kill them she gets attacked by an infected, look like it was a child by its size this opens the door for the others to run away.


It leaves me thinking if there was more to know about Kathleen but her story so far on the series seems to be too short and after that attack for sure she is not alive.

The guys escape into a safe place, it's here where Sam shows Elli that he was bitten on the leg, after talking and asks her if even when you turn you are the same inside, probably for one of the infected that they were kicking while being trapped under that car. Ellie shows him that she was bitten too, that her blood is medicine, she cuts her hand and rubs her blood on Sam's leg then he asks her to stay up with him.

Next morning Sam is sitting on his bed when Elli wake up, Ellie gets attacked by Sam that just turn, Joel tries to help Elli but Henry points his gun at him until Henry kills Sam shooting him in the head and minutes latter after Joel tries to take the gun from Henry he kills himself.


Joel and Elli bury them both outside of the motel they were and decided to move on, I still feel like there was much more to talk about Kansas, Henry and Kathleen but so far seem it has come to an end for them in the series, I really hope writers are not cutting corners of the story.


I have to say this episode was packed, this post turn out to be this long because there were so many important details and things that I discover during the episode, how lucky they were to not find any infected on the tunnels but sad how it ends with Sam turning and then Henry couldnt continue with now knowing that he kill his brother. On the side seems Kansas is in the past and now Joel looks like he cares more about Elli and will keep on moving to find Jimmy.

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