Primitive Horrors Unleashed: Unveiling the Stone Age Terror in 'Out of Darkness


INTRODUCTION Plunging into the Primitive Abyss: Revealing the Hysteria of “Out of Darkness”

Plunging into the Primitive Abyss: Revealing the Hysteria of “Out of Darkness”

If you think this movie is a Horror movie that would depend on your take on horror movies, in my opinion it is not, for me horror movie have several components like a lot of killing, blood, demons, possessions, this kind of things that keeps your eyes open the entire time, if you are looking for a movie that keeps you intrigued of how the next guy is going to disappear or be killed by most likely another human then look no further than “Out of Darkness” , a British horror thriller directed by Andrew Cumming, this movie takes us 45,000 years back, to the Stone Age, where survival is not simply a choice, but a brutal necessity, hysteria and terror in the Stone Age, very few time I have seen movies with this theme.

Revealing the Drama of Out of Darkness

The plot of this movie is nothing complicated but, from the trailer you can tell it is very simple but going a bit further than that I think what might make this movie appealing to viewers is how people during this time probably behave and solve their problems, its is a desolated landscape where six primitive humans are trying to make it their home but on this new territory they face a presence lurking around that starts taking them down one by one pushing them towards the woods and specially attacks in very dark places. The movie touch themes like survival, fear, hysteria, murder and the beginning of humanity. Around the world there have been tribes before called demons, they are just another human but their ways and traditional hunting, how they move and hide within the landscape creates they illusion that they are ghosts, when your people start to go down and hunted by this demons its easy for the brain to start creating a scenario of horror and panic, not knowing who and when is the next one going down.

Well Known Star Cast of Out of Darkness

The cast of Out of Darkness is a great fusion of talents that have been on TV and the big screen on some well known productions. Safia Oakley-Green, British actress and dancer, is the youngest member of the group and her performance has been described as convincing, believable and terrifying. She has appeared in the series The Lazarus Project, a very well known TV series with good score online across multiple sites like IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, 7/10.
Chuku Modu, a British actor of Nigerian, German, English and Irish descent, recognized for his roles in Game of Thrones, The Good Doctor, The 100 and a brief appearance in Captain Marvel, plays a man of action, who does not hesitate to fight for what he believes.
Kit Young, who rose to fame as Jesper Fahey on Netflix's Shadow and Bone, is a skilled hunter and defender of the group.
Iola Evans, another British actress and dancer known for her appearances in The 100, Carnival Row, and Phea. If we look at this actors most of they have been part of multiple UK and US productions, some had secondary roles but on Out of Darkness it looks that its just them against the Darkness, there wont be many side stories during the movie since its focus on a small group of primitives this makes the drama and relation between them stronger meaning we will see more about their behaviors, troubles, keeping actors grinding during the entire movie.

Behind the Lens by Andrew Cumming: The Evolution of a Director

Andrew Cumming, Scottish director makes his feature movie debut with this movie, he is no stranger to creating stories that keep us trapped from beginning to end, he has a history in award winning short movies and television episodes, on this occasion its a totally different scenario because things like the natural location choices and the exploration of human emotions make Cumming show his talent and become a director, this entire movie when we go through the cast, director, idea, looks like a big experiment its the perfect scenario as a first time big screen director to succeed and show others you can become a force to reckoned with.
According to Cumming, the film is more than just another scary movie in the woods; reflects our evolutionary journey, how we became who we are today and what we overcome. It serves as a metaphor for our current challenges, leading us to find courage and strength to face the uncertainties of life, I am curious to know what the monster is, although you don't need to invent one, again its nothing spiritual or demons, it has to be something or someone that is hunting them and has this peculiar way of doing it.

Overcoming Challenges On and Off Screen

Creating a film set 45,000 years ago is not easy, especially when the setting is Scotland and Iceland. The production team faced challenges during the confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic in November 2020, following strict health and safety protocols, the key was to film 1.5 km from a hotel, they had to maintain authenticity, the film was developed in natural locations and minimal CGI, filming in Scotland and Iceland with that type of weather must be a difficult task to accomplish.
CONCLUSION - Plunging into the Primitive Abyss: Revealing the Hysteria of “Out of Darkness”
Out of Darkness generate multiple reactions from the public as this movie has been on a couple of movie festivals, some praised its originality, creativity and realistic depiction of a prehistoric world. One reviewer described it as a “stunning experience that transports you to a primitive and terrifying world.” However, not everyone accepted it, others criticized the film for its lack of dialogue, character development and plot, dismissing it as "boring and pointless" or "disturbing and depressing" and I can understand that if you probably don't know what you are getting in for, a big problem why people get disappointed and unload this rage into comments and reviews online basically destroying the average rate is because they expect something different, but we need to recognize it was not that the movie itself was bad, it was just not what I expect it to be or probably the title and theme are not according to the movie, basically wrong marketing for the type of movie, I doubt that when I watch Out of Darkness I will expect something else since its very clear, it will be up to the acting if its a good or bad movie probably not to the script.

TRAILER - Plunging into the Primitive Abyss: Revealing the Hysteria of “Out of Darkness”

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