A Small Light : The Butterfly – Season 1 - Episode 4 – RECAP


A Small Light : The Butterfly – Season 1 - Episode 4 – RECAP INTRODUCTION - www.skiptvads.blog

The struggle for Miep and Jan continues, it just wont stop it never will until either they die or the war is over they both have taking a responsibility so big that is starting to tear them apart from each other but they have no other option to cope and survive. On episode four one of my suspicions have been confirm and that is Miep best friend Tess is either a spy or some how working with the Germans, well it is not necessarily 100% exact but her boyfriend is working with the Germans, Tess's boyfriend has an auto parts shop who do business with the Germans although how deep they are into the War its not been said, Miep and Jan find out at a party Tess threw out and invite them, Jan notice how they were wearing NSB pin meaning they support the Germans in some way besides Tess gave Miep a necklace that Mr. Frank latter on confirm its a Jewish jewelry piece and most likely was stolen from a jew.

Now that we know how war went down during those days its sad to see how brave people like Miep and Jan did what ever they could to help others and most of the time I think it was without waiting for anything in return, they did it because it was the right thing to do, things have change through time and this kind of quality in people you rarely see this days, someone that helps you without knowing you and even risking their lives is something almost extinct, most people don't have basic manners like good morning or thank you imagine how difficult is to find people who behave certain way or help others just because its the right thing to do, I remember one day someone seriously got mad because I constantly say thank you when ever I see its needed to please, he told me "Stop it, don't me like that all the time" it felt so weird like I was wrong by doing something right and that's just a detail of the many things I see every day since I have to deal with more than ten people every day out side of my work, I think if there was a World War III right now more people would die than in the first two but probably because of how we humans would abandon our own people, very extensive topic but makes me sad most of the time when I finish an episode knowing that they will all probably die before the series is over.

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Miep got scared to death after some robbers got into Mr. Frank office and tear the place apart, they took the money, took the ration books so now the Frank's are out of money and food, for Miep this is a big problem since she will have to hustle hard but for Jan is like nothing now that he has this connections with the resistance, when Miep arrives the office everything was turn down a complete mess but her worst fear was that this was the Germans who find the Frank's hiding place but it was not the case, everyone was safe although when she brake the news to the Frank's about the money all the girls start complaining when they find out that was Hanukkah's money, a Jewish celebration they were waiting for but the worst part is that this also created panic in terms of security mostly for Dr. Pfeffer who was thinking about going back home since it was the same thing either the Germans find him at home or at this hiding place that had no special security, Mr. Otto had to step in and calm everyone the F down before someone hear them, all this happen during a Sunday when there is not suppose to be people at the office.


Miep and Jan relationship hit a rough patch since he has been going to church when he said he was going to visit his brother, Miep follow him and find out, its not going to church the problem but that he lied to her although he lied to protect her, the resistance is hiding people at catholic church risking their congregation but in religion doing the right thing is above anything else, keeping this people alive is the main priority and Jan is working with them for now doing small errands after the first big mission he had without knowing having to rescue a baby that was left on a drawer lol. Jan still cant come clean with Miep because that would put her in danger so he apologize for going to church without telling her.



Tess though about throwing an ice skating party at her boyfriend parent house to take a brake from war and everything that was stressful in her life, Tess was a women who doesn't work and her mother has cancer she now have got herself a rich boyfriend who is giving her enough to survive plus a few gifts here and there, one of those gift end up been a necklace that she gave Miep for the party, they both thought it was a butterfly shape but it was really the Star of David open, a Jewish jewelry piece that was giving to Tess by her boyfriend who is making business with the Germans, Tess knows that much or at least that is what she have said so far, during those times you couldn't fully trust anyone and worst now that it has been confirm their relationship with the German party, Miep got furious after Jan told her they were basically surrounded by NSB at the party, there were even German officers and could not believe Tess knew about it but there was nothing she could do, Tess was just trying to survive by been on the side of the bad ones during war, she had no job, no money, her mom had cancer and she didn't want to see her die so she go with the flow and got her a rich boyfriend who makes business with Germans, you can argue that's the wrong decision and that there is always the option to say no but every brain is a different universe and for her that was the right decision to survive.


After Jan and Miep got out of the party knowing they could not do anything to change Tess and all they could do is stay away from this people who they though were friends both go to visit the Frank's who were celebrating Hanukkah, they didn't have much but at least they were alive and healthy but for their luck Jan brought some food and champagne from the party and light up a few faces, it was Mr. Frank who told Miep about the necklace and she freak out running to the canal to throw it away but she was making too much noise, also start to argue with Jan about him lying to her about church and this is when he told her a bit more, not everything he have done but just that same as her, he is helping people who need his help to stay alive and that he cant tell her more than that because it would put her in danger, this cool her down.


Talking about danger, the resistance is planing an attack to fight back and I think Jan is going to offer himself to help with it, if he does that its not too smart and was probably better to tell Miep everything.

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A Small Light : The Butterfly – Season 1 - Episode 4 – RECAP CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

Episode four felt a bit dull, it was mainly about Miep and Tess, how and why Tess at times look like living this great life but in reality she is in bed with the enemy, the only moment I felt this fear of someone dying or getting caught was at the start when Miep found the office upside down but for sure the series is setting up for something big, we now know that they can brake in easy into the Frank's hiding place although now the door has been covered with a book shelf, but this last scene with Jan and Willem and all those grenades make me curious of what facility are they planing to attack, after all the series only talk about hiding people and there has not been much contact with German officers other than the one who brought home the two kids and this other men who is looking for Mr. Frank because he owe him money I think he is the one that will keep pushing until he finds their hiding place, I give this episode in particular a 6.5/10.


A Small Light : The Butterfly – Season 1 - PREV Episodes - www.skiptvads.blog

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