Road to Paloma

Oh, I didn’t know Jason Momoa directed any movie— come on big man, it’s exciting but what’s inside?

A solo ride across the desert in a vintage bike. The sufferings of natives and discrimination between them and whites. And yes, a handful of tribe cultures and beliefs that I adore most in any native american or tribal movies in general.
That’s an overview, entering the storyline, Wolf (Jason Momoa) killed a white man who raped and killed his mother and is now persuaded by the FBI. So, he is on the run but there is something he wants to do before it gets worse— spreading his mother’s ashes in a distant lake.

Ironically, the police are not concerned about the man who raped his mother as he is white (more or less, the film is based on this racial theme), rather, they are after Wolf— how dare he attacks a white! As seen in the movie, there is a clear line between justice and discrimination based on ethnicity and how the supremacists always end up on the favourable side of power. Although it’s a common scenario in many parts of the world even to this date, humanity can never be justified unless we put an end to this, which I suspect is not possible to achieve—as long as the world lives, discrimination will exist, I believe.

And yes, justice comes with a heavy price— this side or another. It depends on perception, like war. The oppositions always justify their actions in the name of peace.

Apart from that, the desert will fascinate you if you fancy the sands and all those spikey bushes. Although there is not much to feast your eyes on, still, imagining riding a vintage bike across the desert gives me joy. Kind of gypsy lifestyle, oh how I want it even for once. The ultimate freedom on wheels.

Anyway, as a directorial debut, I didn’t expect it to be overwhelming but being the big star, my expectation was sky-high. And he did a good job— both in the screen and behind the scenes. What I am missing is the sophistication of tribal culture, there is little even though the film itself speaks volumes about the natives. Similar to War Pony, where it shows how natives are cornered and then exploited. I expected more exposure to native culture as I adore them very much, but it didn’t happen.

Also, his character didn’t flow in my opinion. Not as a native, not as a rider or even the romantic guy. But he could fight in that gambling match, I really hoped he would but nah, didn’t do it. Maybe he was too occupied directing the movie that forgot to focus on his part, the leading character. But there is a message about life— how people find the true meaning of their lives away from the crowd; away from their loved ones.

Overall, it’s a slow-paced adventure solo with stray actions. Nevertheless, worth watching after a long day's work, slouching on the couch with your dog on your lap. If you are a history enthusiast, this might trigger you but otherwise, it’s just another random movie with no lasting impression.

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