Pedro Pascal The Terminator of The Last of Us


As I love zombie stories with all my being, through the decades their base approach has evolved in such compelling ways that just that makes it the greatest power of zombies, to be a type of creature that makes us doubt if they can become real to be the end of time.

Joel Miller is a character in The Last of Us series and only on him I am going to focus in this review because he is a character of power, of dominance, of feelings, a real human being with fears, doubts which manages to combine feelings with an action that impacts me happily.



  • The best thing about Joel Miller is Pedro Pascal:

I just mentioned various qualities or skills that make the character attractive but it is his soul that makes me stay with the series and of course the Impetus of Joel is Pedro Pascal the actor who gives him life which is a power actor, transmits too much only with gestures accompanied by a serious and heavy voice, is a fist his personality and this is to highlight because this type behaviors are generally not the most attractive or striking.

Pedro Pascal succeeds, he is a 100% accuracy of the character with the video game on which the series is based, I have several criticisms about the series but none is him, the impossible things he does for me makes them true and I want to see more of this character because he is a real one, he is not an angel, he is a demon just like we humans are.



  • Pedro Pascal is a Terminator:

The man is cold as steel, the way he annihilates wow that is insane, if I were in a zombie apocalypse unfortunately I would be among the first to die and JUST for that I envy his personality because he does what has to be done, if you have to eliminate someone, you do it and that's it, without remorse, without feelings, without thinking about absurdities like good and evil, it is in the latter where I would hesitate which is lethal because others will not hesitate.

Something to highlight is clearly the physicality of the character, what I just wrote is reflected in his visual, that is, if you met Joel Miller in the bar of your city, you would not want to get in trouble with him and I mean being without the rifle. In this aspect Pedro Pascal is in optimal conditions for the character, he looks like a Bull and that's exactly what transmits and intimidates his rivals.



The Versatility in The Feelings that Pedro Pascal transmits

Just in the gif you just saw which is super funny as hell haha, I think we see the natural jocular personality of Pedro Pascal, it's amazing how he goes from that dance to Joel Miller, his character and Pedro are complete opposites in their way of being and it is just this versatility what gives solidity to the feelings of his performance.

From this moment on, The Review with Spoiler to be able to analyze in detail this aspect of the character.

There is a scene in which the character collapses giving us to know his weaknesses such as hearing and his age but the most notable is the loss of the being he loved the most and could not protect, his fragility is the fear of failing to protect what he wants and fate plays with this cruelly because it returns to pose a similar situation with a girl and a mission ... to protect.

His final decision is the same that I would have taken, I totally agree with him, it seems to me an impossible scene what I saw but it is what I would want to happen regardless of the lives sacrificed, that's why he is a Terminator, his mission is to protect, that's what he is programmed for and this time he will not fail... Joel Miller a great character forever.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.




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