
Name - Silo
Released - 2023
Creator- Morten Tyldum

Apple TV have been crushing it lately with some great shows, especially in the sci-fi genre and their latest one that I caught Silo falls 100% into that category.

It looks initially like a nothing special type of show, there are many dystopia type series and films and the genre has been oversaturated for some time and it has been a while since something good has popped up. Probably the film 12 Monkeys was an intriguing one that I really liked and would have been happy if it went deeper into the story.

Silo is quite similar and predicatable in that the world on top has been destroyed and the people are living in a silo to protect them from the bad conditions on the surface. How and why this is, isn't quite known and therein starts the mystery.

The show starts slow as you get introduced to the characters and some of the themes and sub-plots running through the show. However, it really starts to pick up after episode 3 and it really grips you. It did me and I binge watched the whole series until 5 in the morning.

Many of the characters are really likeable and believable which is pretty good. The relationships, the powerplays and strengths within the Silo are very interesting and the stories and plot twists keep you watching.

There are some really interesting aspects of the world they inhabit that they could explore in many ways and these are really well thought out. The whole twist about the world outside the silo and what happens to those who go outside is pretty fascinating as you often think, why are people so docile and complicit. But then it reflects the real world we inhabit where people avoid confrontation and just go along to get along.

In fact, there are many similarities from our real world that are really well explored in the series and you can relate to them quite well. There are some great scenes and ideas that develop between the characters and you are not sure where they will go. Even some of the bad guy characters, you some how seem to relate to them and even understand the way they are.

Tim Robbins is pretty stand up in his role, however the excitement is delivered by some of the other characters like Robert Sims, Billings and Sheriff Holston. They have some great storylines and keep the pace of the show going.

My favorite actor is Iain Glen who has an amazing on-screen presence and I have loved him since his role in Game of Thrones. Although a rather mundance role here, he doesn't fail to deliver a great performance.

My favorite scene without spoiling anything, has to be near the beginning which really kicked things off where Allison starts delving deeper into things and has a lightbulb moment and discovers why she isn't getting pregnant.

The show is full of quite abit of action and Rebecca Ferguson gives a great performance in the lead position, but as usual with these woke type role reversals, it is often unbelievable at times. However, overall, it doesn't distract from enjoying the series. Quite often she is making alot of weird facial postures that I do not understand.

I am really looking forward to the second series that should be coming this year. Along with Severance last week and Foundation before that, Apple TV has some great shows running.

Have you seen Silo?

Thanks for reading.

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