Children of Heaven

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This is an Iranian movie. Both writer and director of this movie are the same people and he did an excellent job! This movie received an Oscar nomination.

If you are very messy in your personal life, you are very anxious or you are in a lot of trouble or distress, or the desire to not get much is frozen in your chest. If you watch this movie then your idea about many things will change.

The main story of this movie is about a torn shoe. Here is a little boy who went to the shoemaker with his little sister's shoes to sew. The shoe has been sewn many times before.

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By the way, the little boy's name is Ali. He left the shoe to be sewed and later goes to the market to buy potatoes. The person with the shoes is left outside the store. When he comes out after buying from the shop, he sees that he does not have the bag of the shoe.

Originally the film showed how helpless a poor family can be that the poor family does not have the ability to buy another pair of shoes in exchange for one shoe.

But Ali's father was a very honest man. He did not betray anyone's trust.

Meanwhile, Ali could not find his sister's shoe. Because he lost the shoe, he is very worried about how his sister will go to school.

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In this movie, the brother-sister relationship has been highlighted in a wonderful way. This movie has proved how much a brother does for a pair of shoes for his sister.

Shoes are not a big issue here, The main point here is the bonding of two loving siblings. You will see how far a loving sibling can go even for a small matter like a shoe.

You can understand that the movie can be so beautiful even with a low budget.
I hope you will see that there are many instructive things when you watch the movie. I would rate this movie 8 out of 10.

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