Dr Strange into the Multivers and Disney Milking it..... surprise

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How we doing Ciners! Hope you're all have had your fill of Pop corn and soda infront of the cinema screen. I finally got around to watching Dr Strange into the Multiverse and wow! I have to admit I really enjoyed it.

The film critics didn't like it as it pulled away from the typical Marvel light and happiness and went straight to the darker side of the franchise.

It was something like a late 80s early 90s horror flick even the good parts were twisted in a horror kind of way.

But it was really enjoyable to watch and Dr Strange has grown to be one of my favourite characters to date so I look forward to seeing more of his films.

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One thing I picked up on and I'm sure many people did as I went to watch the film with wifey and the film had a massive plot hole.

For what I think is the majority of film viewers the last time we see Wanda she's fighting Thanos and her robot boyfriend is killed.

The event clearly disturbs her but we go from Endgame to universe killer in one jump so it seemed.

For me I had watched Wandavision so was across what had occured and got her to the Scarlett Witch.

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So here's Disney milking their franchise for all it is worth in order for you to know what's happening in this movie you need to purchase a Disney+ subscription and watch the Marvel series.

I understand why they do this with lesser known characters and it's a good way for them to build on characters but I also find it highly unfair.

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Getting back to the film, it's quite the interesting structure as typically we are used to the new character being introduced being the enemy.

But in this film it's flipped and an old friend becomes the bad guy and the new character is kind of the hero.

I think this style added to the new format of the film and the way it delivers something old but different.

But that doesn't mean it's not without it's plot holes as Spiderman is referenced in the film. Which was a massive plot hole delivered yet again by Marvel.

Dr Strange was supposed to have no recollection of Spidermans identity so how did he know that he cast the spell that unlocked the Multiverse.

That means he knows that he knows who spiderman is and he is responsible for everyone forgetting his identity.

Ideally the Spiderman film follow ons should have been Dr Strange waking up wondering what just happened. If he does remember that means Spidermans friends also remember and they should have still gone to school with Peter Parker and all been friends.

Not completely have him erased.

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Either way, I found the film to deliver on so many levels that critics dismissed even the self reflection of Dr Strange and knowing there was another way to beat Thanos in which the click never happened.

You can see that eats away at Dr Strange and it's as if he knew about it but was upset he didn't choose that path.

I'm excited about what's install for us next!

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