CineTv Contest #33: SEE

Image is taken as a screenshot from the movie

The father figure is inborn and it shows itself in a very high masculine way. Although what comes to most peoples mind when the word 'Father' is mentioned, is the biological father that is responsible for that individuals birth. But in this movie, I got to see pretty well that some Fathers who are not ones biological father can play the role so dedicatedly that in some cases it may surpass ones own biological Father's doing.
SEE is a movie that came on to limelight in November, 2019. I began watching this movie late into 2021and what a good movie series it is, so very interesting that it keeps the viewer running faster that his/her shadow so as to get the next scene, on to the next episode and up to the next season. Although I stopped then at Season 3, it have watched so much adventure and gotten a load of thrill that I just want to see the next season.
It features prominent actors like Jason Momoa who starred as 'Baba Voss', Dave Bautista as 'Edo Voss', etc. The movie series talks about a post virus invasion that left the remnants of the world's population blind, they were blind for so long that being blind came to be accepted as the normal state of humanity but a handful had their sights and these were considered as being evil.
Baba Voss(Jason Momoa) forsake his tribe and took up refuge with another tribe, the Alkennys and becoming their leader. He married Maghra (Hera Hilmer) who was a Princess but after her escapades with a man who could see, she got pregnant and was leaving home was rescued from death by exposure and she lived with the Alkenny. Maghra was a Princess, sister to Queen Sibeth Kane of the Payans. Baba Voss married Maghra and when she eventually gave birth to twins, Kofun and Haniwa, they could see (since their biological father could see) but Baba Voss took them as him own and on many occasions he risked his life to save them.

Images is screenshot from thee movie

Since those with sight were considered as evil most especially by the Payans who sent out Witchfinders to track down those with sight and execute them. Haniwa and Kofun were mostly attacked but Baba always played the father role and fought tirelessly to to save them. Baba Voss provided for them and was so attached to them that it took quite a good number of years and various incidents before they got to know he was not their real father but even the after the revelation, she never faltered in his love and sacrifices for them. Baba Voss had to even fight his own original tribe just to keep Haniwa and Kofun safe.
It reminds me of how my father is so protective of us his children that I remembered when he once rushed and trampled upon a snake which almost bit my elder brother when we were much younger, risking being bitten himself. When things were financially rough for us years back, he mostly worked tirelessly and even went hungry for days just to see that we had enough to eat and settle some other bills.

Image is a screenshot from the movie


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