Adieu Godard

Probably we all have gone through this phase while trying to discover the world of cinema, when we start watching those revolutionary films from 'Nouvelle Vague', the first hurdle we encounter is our preoccupation with old-fashioned narratives that just can't cope with those films and their new techniques. I was introduced to the French New Wave by Godard's Breathless and without realizing anything of it I commented that day 'Godard is overrated'

Because of the stormy weather, the sky was thick with rain-filled clouds. It was raining all day long and I was depressed like a frog as usual. While scrolling through some pages suddenly I saw a photo of Great Jean Luc Godard and the description says -He is no more. What! I stopped.

In a short period, we lost Agnes Varda (the Godmother of the french new wave), magnifique Anna Karina and now with JLG it seems like The End of an Era. An Era that has re-shaped the entire history of world cinema


As a lousy cinephile, it would be an audacious attempt to review any of Godard's films. The writing of veteran film critic Roger Ebert helps me a lot to understand cinema. Back then, after finishing any of Godard's mind-boggling films it was a routine job for me to read the specific review written by Ebert.

'Contempt' is one of my favorite and the only Godard film I think I understood (though the film was entirely improvised) With its zigzag storytelling, I enjoyed 'Pierrot Le Fou', but the most lovable for me was 'Band of Outsiders'. Still remember the beautiful 'Dance Scene'. Amazed by his surreal science-fiction 'Alphaville'
'A woman is a woman' was a comic approach. 'Le Petut Soldat' was the last godard film for me. Recently I rewatched 'Vivre Sa Vie' and planned to rewatch more because those films deserve rewatching. Though I have only seen a few from his monumental filmography, And had great regret for not watching 'Histoire(s) du cinéma' and many more.

It was shocking when I came to know that. he committed euthanasia. Even he embraced death with a style.

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