Latte and the Magic Waterstone

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A hedgehog named "Latte" is shown at the beginning of the movie. Which was collecting the dew drops from the variety of little flowers. It is known that there is going to occur a shortage of the water in their woods soon. Due to this, all animals are so worried. So they arrange a meeting in evening to solve this issue. Then a squirrel named "Tjum' comes on the scene. Which wanted to play with some of the rabbits. And he was catching their attention.

But they were making fun of "Tjum" and teasing it contrarily. "Latte" comes there with this and makes them run. But "Tjum" shows its anger on this rather than to gratify it. And it says to "Latte" that they will make more fun of mine because of you now. And it leaves in rage. Tjum's sister asks it in evening. Why are you so angry? But it also makes it run away. It has walnut in its claws which is fallen down.

When "Tjum" goes to take this then it was lying exactly before the house of "Latte". "Latte" also comes outside but "Tjum" easily picks its walnut. It comes to know there that "Latte" is collecting the dew drops. It tells "Latte", All other animals are collecting water in a pumpkin separately! And you are saving your water separately! "Latte" explains to it, Other animals do not care me! So I will have to care myself with my own efforts! But "Tjum" begins to run after grabbing water from it.

And "Latte" also begins to run after it. In this struggle, this water may also mix in that pumpkin. That pumpkin is broken mistakenly by "Tjum". In this way, all saved water is wasted. Meanwhile, they hear the sound as some other animals are heading towards them. And they run away in fear so they may hide themselves.

All other animals reach here and become worried , seeing the wasted water. That their collected water with efforts have all wasted. Afterwards, they start asking, Who will have committed this? Now "Tjum" suggests to "Latte", We should tell the whole truth! But "Latte" forbids it saying, They already don't like me! After this, they will never let me live at ease! They both become louder while quarreling with each other. All other animals know about this with it.

Now "Tjum" reveals the truth, How did it happen? But all other animals also begin to show their aggressiveness on "Tjum". They were indulged in the controversy then a crow appears there. And it tells them, A waterstone had fallen from the sky on Earth many years ago! And the water had gathered at that place where it fell! But that waterstone was stolen by a bear! Now it possesses!

And there is a much quantity of water where that waterstone exists. All animals of that place think as it is telling a lie. But "Latte" trusted it. And it says to all, You all are so coward! "Latte" says to all that, If you all are not willing to take any step, Then I myself will bring that waterstone alone from that bear. I am not afraid! No one takes it serious. After this, it alone leaves.

It also meets a Beaver on the way. It asks beaver the direction of the path then it tells the address of that bear easily. Now the night had fallen. And "Latte" was so tired. It had a great travelling. So it starts to fall asleep under a tree. Next morning, When "Tjum" goes to "Latte" then it observes that, It is not at home! It assesses that "Latte" has really gone in search of that bear.

Following its footstep and searching it gradually, "Tjum" reaches it. It makes a great attempt that it may agree "Latte" in some way, That it may return to home! But "Latte" was not convincing. It had a strong intention to bring the waterstone at home at any cost. So the issue of water may be resolved! Now a wild animal attacks both of them here. "Latte" was Hedgehock so that wild animal could not harm it because of its quills.

Due to this, it begins to run after "Tjum". They start running hardly. One of the branches of the tree falls on that wild animal. And they are rescued! on the other side, Tjum's family had also known this, That it had also gone after "Latte". And all were becoming so anxious. After this, "Tjum" again tries to convince "Latte" to come back at home. In this way, a quarrel is held between them. They reach a hotel of toad while quarreling.

Where toad tells them, I know the address of that bear's house! You both may stay with me as there is going to fall a night! They spend the whole night there after being tired. When they both begin to leave from there in morning, Then toad serves them some berries. Toad agrees if they bring that waterstone .

Then the issue of water at every place will be resolved. And it wanted the same as they may get success. Now they continue their journey ahead. Passing a little distance, they encounter some wolves there. When they both also tell them, They are going to take that waterstone from that bear! Then they also don't stop them! Actually, these wolves had a different plan.

Now they were continuously moving head. Walking too much, "Tjum" begins to think as the story of waterstone is fake. And they are just wasting their time as such. "Tjum" again begins to say "Latte" , We should return to home! Our families are awaiting for us! And they were so upset thinking, Where have we left! But "Latte" was not going to lose its courage. It again says to "Tjum", That you may return home! I will stay here! And I will alone come back after searching the waterstone.

"Tjum" had also started to probe this idea. It offers berries to "Latte". And it begins to leave from there. In the meantime, a dispute starts between them. And those berries are fallen down. Now "Latte" is in its full rage. And it also falls down during the fight. After this, it announces that I will continue my journey! And I will surely bring that waterstone back! But "Tjum" thinks, It has come farther so it will accompany "Latte" further.

Now it moves upside to serach for "Latte". So it may observe , Where "Latte"has reached. It glimpses an area at a distance which was meadowy. And there was a much quantity of the water. It also observes some bears there. It understands, It will be the same king bear and its family! Instead it descends in search of "Latte", It reaches those bears after slipping. Falling among these bears, "Tjum" does not understand what it should do.

And it hides behind a baby bear. It is known that this baby bear is the prince of that king bear. And prince also understands this as any animal is hiding itself behind it. And it brings "Tjum" into its cave, hiding it. On the other side, "Latte" was resuming its journey. Night had fallen here and it had also much fatigued. It thinks that it may have a rest for a while. "Latte" begins to fall asleep, moving into a little tree.

It is known here that it is the house of an old Hedgehock . Now it had also approached here. It says to "Latte", Get out of my house! Seeing that old Hedgehock , "Latte" thinks that it will be my father in reality! But it explains to it, I am not your father! And you should leave this place! "Latte" starts to tease it more. Later, it directs it in order to get rid from "Latte". How can you approach the king bear? I will tell the shortcut way. Following the directed path , "Latte" reaches such a place.

Where much quantity of water was available. And it understands that it will surely be the cave of that king bear. Contrarily, "Tjum" starts to communicate with that prince. They both introduce each other. There was much quantity of water everywhere. And this place was also so charming! "Tjum" understands this later, There may never be the shortage of water! Now "Latte" reaches that cave , swimming through the water.

Where it encounters that king bear and also other bears. It tries its best to hide itself but slips into the water. After this, two bears bring it out , taking it a fish. But it was so cone-shaped Hedgehock They think later , It is perhaps the animal of outside! They imprison it! On the other side, "Tjum" also knows about this, And it comes to "Latte"! where they are befriended again.

Prince comes there as the morning arrives. And it tries to free "Tjum" . Two bears come here. They were guards! They detect as they are trying to escape from here. After this, "Latte" and "Tjum" are presented before the king bear by the guard bears. "Latte" tells the whole story to it here, I have come here to take the waterstone! Knowing this, King bear loses its temper. That they have come here to grab the waterstone.

After this, king bear orders its guard to throw both of them away! As they move outside later then the king begins to dance. All those bears were engaged in this activity then "Latte" and "Tjum" enter again, And they run away after stealing the waterstone. The water is disappeared as the waterstone is disappeared from there.

King bear and guards understand, "Latte" and "Tjum" have stolen the waterstone! After this, guards run after both of them. Contrarily, Prince bear understands this as it was cutest and guiltless. And it helps "Latte" and "Tjum" to run from there. "Tjum" tells that prince bear, If this waterstone is kept at its own place back! Then the water will be restored everywhere! And it likes this idea! But that king bear reaches here.

And it grabs that waterstone from them. They both run forward. Then the same wolves appear before them again. Because it was their plan as they planned to steal this waterstone in reality from them. Meanwhile, one more wild animal also appears there. Now they both were trapped. "Tjum" tells both of them a plan. And it offers them the shells of some walnuts.

And it says to them, The waterstone is under one of the three shells! It will get it which guesses this! Actually, it was the plan of "Latte" and "Tjum". When "Tjum" was befooling them. Then "Latte" moves away , taking this waterstone. And it places this stone at that place where it was kept in reality. As the waterstone is fixed on its former place, The water is restored in the whole forest as before.

All animals get excited as they observe this. At the same time, that crow appears and drops them at their home back. Where rest of families feel joy while seeing them. All animals also embrace "Latte" because it was incredible without it. "Latte" had acted as such for all other animals. In this way, all become satisfied. And the movie completes on this scene.

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