Top Ten The Flash Characters/Villains (in my opinion)

I need to post something, so here we go.

The Flash (season 1) - Wikipedia

I decided to do my top ten favorite Flash characters, because I'm bored and need something to do, and this show is over now, so might as well keep it alive a little bit I guess.

10-Eddie Thawne (Cobalt Blue)
Did he only appear in a season and a half? Yes. Does he still deserve a spot on this list? Also yes. Eddie was a good guy. When I was first watching, I didn't particularly love him then, but looking back he was a good character who subverted the trope of the bad boyfriend. He was more than just an obstacle between Iris and Barry (West-Allen). Plus, his friendship with the others was actually interesting and I kind of wish he had come back earlier and become part of Team Flash to see how it would work with him.

9-Nora West-Allen (XS)
While season five wasn't the best (Cicada was such a boring villain), Nora was a great addition. She had a lot to learn, but she was a good hero. She had understandable motivations and flaws, while also being just a fun presence on the team. I really didn't expect her death in the end of season five, but at least we got her back (though I personally preferred the original Nora).

8-Wally West (Kid Flash)
The biggest problem with Wally is I feel they never knew exactly what to do with him. I did enjoy his growth into a hero (which I'll admit is a trend amongst character's I like now that I think about it). However, I feel he didn't get many stories for himself. Still, I enjoyed every time he made an appearance, and his character was complex and interesting.

7-Harry Wells (Earth 2)
Harry was not a perfect person. But with his relationship with Cisco and his humor, it was hard not to like him. Harry was a character who cared deeply about his friends and family, and he truly became a hero because of them. He was funny and intelligent and an asset to the Team. It was hard not having a Wells on the team when he died.

6-HR Wells
The best Wells, at least in my opinion. HR brought a lot of heart to the team, and similar to the other Wells, his relationship with Cisco was so fun to watch. His dynamic with everyone was fun to watch and while he wasn't super smart and didn't have powers, his presence on the team benefited them. His death was one of the saddest death's in the series, and seeing him die AGAIN when all the Wells died was even worse. Until our next Communion, HR. You will be missed.


5-Joe West
In my opinion, Joe has to be one of the most underrated characters in the Flash series. He was Barry's dad (even if it wasn't biologically), and that relationship was so great to see. Joe was a brave man, and while he didn't always understand what the others were talking about, he helped as best he could. He was the reason Barry was able to become such a good hero. I really wish Joe hadn't been pushed to the side in the last few seasons, because we needed some Joe West wisdom, and when it came to Joe's speeches, in my opinion they weren't as boring as some of the others.

4-Ralph Dibny (Elongated Man)
I know many don't like him (and the actor was kicked off the show, but honestly I don't care about stuff like that), but personally I found him entertaining. He was annoying in the beginning, but his growth into a hero was fun and enjoyable. He wasn't perfect, but he tried, and that's what made him interesting to me. Plus, he was funny, and I love character's with humor. And it shocked me how long he was on the show (I feel like that before Ralph, most characters introduced in a season after season one never showed up again).

3-Caitlyn Snow/Killer Frost
Maybe putting these two together was cheating, but honestly I loved their character's equally. Caitlyn was such an underrated hero. The amount of times she saved Barry and the others is almost insane. She worked hard to deal with her pain and become a great hero. Frost was also great. She went from villain to hero and it was a very well written arc. Her character was fun and interesting, and I loved the relationships between the Snow sisters and the others on Team Flash. RIP Frost, and thank God Caitlyn came back in the end.

2-Cisco Ramon (Vibe)
Cisco grew so much throughout the show. He went from the funny guy in the chair to a hero in his own right. Cisco was the funniest character in the entire show, and his personality really shined. He went through a lot but continued being a support system for Barry and trying to be a hero, which he succeeded in. His relationship with Barry and Caitlyn made the show what it is, and I really wish he hadn't left (or at least made a cameo in the finale). And of course he gets an extra point for his movie/show references.

1-Barry Allen (The Flash)
Seriously, who else could be up here? Barry is a great hero, trying to help protect people from problems (no matter what it was) and sometimes even helping others see the light. Barry is a nice person who can be funny while also having very emotional scenes. He’s well written and his character was so much fun. I wish he wouldn't have been pushed to the side in the last few seasons. Honestly, this Barry has to be one of the best (if not the best) portrayal of Barry and the Flash.

You know what? While we're here, let's throw in the villains too, because I have nothing better to do, and they are just as iconic as the characters above.

The flash funny meme | Flash funny, Tv shows funny, The flash
Why has this never occurred to me?

10-Lisa Snart (Golden Glider)
I don't know why I liked her so much. She just stuck with me and was a lot of fun. Her relationship with Cisco was honestly kind of cute and i wish they had actually gotten together. I feel like she was kind of forgotten about, and I wish she had at least been mentioned (she was only mentioned once after her brother died, and that was just a small scene when Iris in the dream world was a cop and had apparently caught her).

9-James Jesse (Trickster)
I mean, he was played by Mark Hamill, so this should be a no-brainer. He was crazy, but it was so fun. James Jesse wasn't good in any means, but that just made him a great minor villain. Plus, I feel like a lot of superhero's have to have a crazy villain, and Trickster filled that role with perfection. Like Lisa, I wish he appeared more after the first few seasons, or at least was mentioned. I feel like the original rogues were kind of forgotten about, which is sad because they were all so much fun. But, moving on to one that did come back...

8-Hartley Rathaway (Pied Piper)
Why did I enjoy his character so much? I honestly don't really know. Hartley was a jerk at times, but he did care deeply for his friends. He walked the line between good and evil, and I think he became a good anti-hero. I loved seeing him again in season nine, and I'm so glad we got to see what happened to him, because honestly, he's the only original rogue we've seen in a while (unless you count Mick Rory on Legends, but he left the show in season six anyway). Was Hartley perfect? Obviously not. But was he an interesting character? Yeah he was. Oh, and his relationship with Cisco? Very entertaining.

A gorilla with telepathic abilities. Whoever came up with that in DC comics deserves a raise for imagination. Grodd might have seemed like a silly idea, but he proved anyone who doubted him just how dangerous he was. I really don't have much to say about him, other than he was a character that was hard to forget, and a good enemy to the Flash.

6-Clifford Devoe (The Thinker)
The first main villain to not be a speedster, a milestone in Flash history. But in all seriousness, the Thinker was a cool villain. He was dangerous even if he didn't directly fight Barry most of the time. He was a threat, and honestly I liked season four a lot because he was a different kind of villain than what we were so used to. He was smarter than Harry, was able to frame Barry for murder, and caught all of the bus meta's no matter what Team Flash did. Plus, Reverse Flash even admitted to admiring his work. Now that's a compliment coming from the Flash's arch nemesis!


5-Mick Rory (Heatwave)
This is probably because of Legends, but Mick was so much fun. He became a hero and got out of the shadow of his partner. Mick stuck out because unlike his partner Captain Cold, he was way more reckless and bold. Mick was exactly like the fire he loved so much. Add in a pretty tragic backstory and issues, and you got a great character. He was funny, and also proved to be complex as well.

4-Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)
Honestly the scariest villain on the entire show (other than Rag-doll, that thing is pure nightmare fuel). Zoom was crazy, and even though he had a sad backstory that didn't redeem him in any way. The plot twist that he was Jay Garrick (well, pretending to be him at least) and had been part of the team the whole time was actually shocking, and different because with Reverse Flash we knew from the start something was strange about him. Zoom was a threat and faster than Barry at first. Even when he died, he ended up becoming Dark Flash (who from what I understand is basically the speedster grim reaper), and was still terrifying. I was so glad to see him again in season 9, even if he didn't do much. He's a fantastic villain.

3-Savitar (or as Reverse Flash says, Pizza Face)
I'm in between feeling bad for him and thinking he's a great villain/wanting to hate him. His first appearance showing off his speed was amazing and showed how much of a threat he was. I remember practically screaming "who or what is that?" This was another reveal that shocked me. An evil Barry clone with a messed up face, who would've thought? I felt bad for him in his backstory because he had basically been forgotten by Team Flash after helping them (as he said, "a disposable hero"). He seemed like the kind of villain that if they tried hard enough they could've maybe made him change sides. Then he killed HR, and I wanted to murder him. Still, an interesting character.

2-Leonard Snart (Captain Cold)
My favorite Legends character, even if he was only in one season. Snart was one of the first villains/Rogues in the entire show (he literally first appeared in episode four of season one). His strange friendship/relationship with Barry was honestly really entertaining to watch. Out of all the villains, Snart was the one Barry thought could change the most. Additionally, his snark and one liners are pretty much known by most of the Flash fans. I wish he hadn't died, or at least would've been brought back (seriously, they could've brought him back after Flash point so easily).

1-Eobard Thawne (Reverse Flash)
Who else could be number one? Eobard Thawne is the greatest Flash villain. He's the most famous and when it comes to villains none have hurt Barry as much as Thawne has. I mean, he killed Barry's mother and made him lose his dad all in one night. All the trauma he suffered? Thawne caused it. And the betrayal in season one that he was Harrison Wells, aka Barry's mentor, is even worse. He has no redeeming qualities. He's a terrible person, and there was no redemption for him. But that's why he's the best.

Anyways, that's the end of of this list. Who's your favorite character and villain? Answer in comments!

Was I the only one who died Tuesday.... Not litterly....RIP HR | Supergirl  and flash, The flash grant gustin, The flash season 1

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