I watched "Powder"... - Psychokinesis Practitioner's opinion


As I was going to watch this movie, my expectations weren't high. I was expecting a low budget piece with usual supernatural person becoming a hero, I couldn't be more wrong though, and I finished a movie feeling very inspired and impressed by the quality of passed message and with depth of the main character.

Additionally, as a psychic practitioner (specialized in psychokinesis), I can say that the view point of main character on his special abilities is straight on point, and it's one of not many times I observe that in movies. I am still impressed of how accurately the understanding behind such abilities is hinted by main character.


The main character is unusal himself. It portrays someone comeletely different than what we are used to seeing in hero movies those days. It gives a great view on someone who instead of being special and shwoing off his abilities, just wants to be normal. Experiencing the main character and his beautiful way of understanding and feeling is an art itself is this piece.


Overall, the movie, although on first sight seemed low quality, after watching it, goes straight to my favorites. It's seemingly a short movie, but the value taken from it is more than filling. I always felt that movies are taken out of context and don't feel connecting, but this movie made me weirdly connected to main character and emotionally engaged, to the point where the movie felt personal. This movie is an art, not just another Hollywood scenario. Left me with true emotional expirience. Worth watching !


Thanks for reading ! Let me know what do You think about this movie.

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