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[Time Tunnel] S01E01 - Back to the Past

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And here I go for more rescue of the past, this, even by the title, should have been the first hehehe
But even though it wasn't the first, here it is...
I hope you enjoy it and find it to watch, because it's great!

Title: Rendezvous With Yesterday / Back to the Past
Date and destination of the adventure: North Atlantic, 14/04/1912
Venue of adventure: Wreck of the Titanic
Length: 49 minutes

Creation and Production: Irwin Allen
Directed by: Irwin Allen
Screenplay: Irwin Allen, Shimon Wincelberg, Harold Jack Bloom
Distribution: 20th Century Fox
Associate Producer: Jerry Briskin, William Self
Production Supervisor: Jack Sontag
Director of Photography: Winton Hoch
Visual Effects: L.B. Abbott
Sound Effects: Robert Cornett, Don Hall Jr.
Theme Song: Johny Williams
Music: George Duning, Leith Stevens, Lyn Murray
Music Supervision: Lionel Newman

Fixed actors:
ROBERT COLBERT: Dr. Douglas Phillips (Doug)
JAMES DARREN: Dr. Antony Newman(Tony)
LEE MERIWETHER: Dr. Ann MacGregor (Ann)
WHIT BISSELL: Gen. Heywood Kirk (Kirk)
JOHN ZAREMBA: Dr. Raymond Swain(Ray)
WESLEY LAU: Sgt. Jiggs (Jiggs)

Guest Starring: Michael Rennie (Cap. Malcolm Smith), Susan Hampshire (Althea Hall), Gary Merrill (Senator Leroy Clark), Don Knight (Grainger), Gerald Michenaud (Marcel), John Winston (Soldier), Michael Haynes (Soldier) .

Episode summary: (taken from the great site:
Senator Leroy Clark visited the Tic-Toc Project in 1968 with a view to whether or not to keep government funds for the study of transfers in time. Tony decides to prove the efficiency of the Time Tunnel and ends up on the Titanic, in the year 1912. Doug enters the Tunnel to save his friend Tony from the ship's imminent sinking. Tony informs the captain of the ship that he will hit an iceberg, but the captain doesn't believe him. Doug is also arrested. The ship actually takes the brunt of the iceberg and Tony and Doug help save the passengers in lifeboats (less than necessary). When Doug and Tony are about to fall into the sea, the scientists in the Time Tunnel Control Room manage to freeze them and initiate their transfer.

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I was really anxious and reckless to watch this series and conclude that my memories were just "fruit of my imagination" hehehe of a child's imagination, I never forget a fourth grade student of mine, who I came to meet soooo many years later and, counting (she) who had visited the school, said, "wow, I thought everything was so much bigger at the time", because it is... Precisely with this fear of finding the episode "so much better at the time", I was very involved in watching it again.. .

But, as I was stupid, this series is wonderful and it's impressive how "it served as a basis"9even if never assumed) for so many other current productions!!!

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With regard to this episode specifically, if a comparison with the mega movie Titanic is to occur, we will see a summary of the movie (or would it be an expansion of the series) in this episode, with much less budget and much less technical resources, we can see scenes and situations soooo better (% speaking) than the mega movie, honestly I was scared. There's romance, class division and problems that come with it, panic after collision, re-enactments of the wonderful halls, and many other impressive details. By the way, the show (or is it the movie?) in theory, only changes the orchestra playing while the boat sinks, and puts a passenger playing the piano (poetic license perhaps), who because of our heroes, is convinced to stop and flee. ..

In fact, at this point (alterations created in the costume by our heroes), at least in this episode, we can see a lack of concern about it, quite the contrary, they "save" the pianist, the poor boy and, among other things, are responsible for the death of the others hehehe as they pass, they flee from where they were being kept, several telegraphs pass that, after their new arrest, are denied by the captain in a new message that, in addition to denying, warns not to take into account any future distress call of the Titanic (is that the reason why aid arrived so late?????).

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Still in relation to this episode, we were able to visit the base, in the middle of the desert, 200 floors below ground, where 12,000 people work on the time tunnel project. We were able to see the reason for the first trip, get to know the characters and some of the problems they will have. In addition, we saw for the first time one of the very interesting features of this series, which is to link the end of an episode to the beginning of the next one (not as "scenes from the next chapters", but rather, as a link, like if it just came a break and the second episode started, no one noticed that the first one was over...)

Without a doubt, I could write several more paragraphs about this episode alone (what was that secret passage that opened in the middle of the desert for cars to enter??!??!!???!??), I don't want to get tired of it! nor interfere with a possible future experience of watching the same, so I stop here and get ready for the next one, which will be commented here soon... (always with the original date (day and month), but having to keep the year 1970 even though the series is from 1967, because as I said, the blogger doesn't let it go back beyond 70)

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