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CineTV Contest: Ice Age

I didn't watch too many animated movies and cartoons in my childhood. Instead of standing in front of the screen, almost my entire childhood was spent playing street games. I was always outside with my friends, except when my parents set aside time, just for homework. I used the house to eat, sleep and do my homework. I consider myself lucky in this respect.

But time changes everything. I grew up, got married and had a daughter. I wish he would be interested in street games like me and spend most of his time outside with his friends, but it's not as safe outside as it was in my own childhood. Unfortunately, the world and people on it are not as consistent and understanding as they used to be. There is an increase in abuse and various attacks against children, but this is not our topic. Just as a responsible father, I don't want to keep my daughter on the streets out of my control.

For this reason, my daughter is quite addicted to the screen, unlike my childhood. When he is out of school, he watches animated movies, cartoons and closely follows youtubers he is a fan of on his tablet. I love my daughter and I love everything she loves too. I watch cartoons and animated movies with him that I didn't watch in my childhood. We even have a deal; When the grade is 8 or higher in the exams, they can sit as long as they want on the weekend and watch any animated movie they want. Of course, getting a good grade doesn't come cheap. Before the animated movie, I prepare a fruit plate for him and we go to the screen and watch it together.


I am participating in the "Your Favorite Animated Feature Film" competition organized by @cinetv this week in the CineTV Community, with the Ice Age movie that I enjoyed watching the most with my daughter.

I don't want to talk too much about the content of the movie. Let's just say a few sentences about the subject. During the Ice Age, the paths of a raccoon, a mammoth and a tiger cross. In order to save the life of a baby they find, they decide to take it to the people's place. The movie is presented to the audience by revolving around this adventure. At first the tiger is not very friendly, but as he spends time with others, he realizes the importance of friendship and truly joins them.

The movie has an educational and instructive feature. I'm not just saying this in terms of children. It reminds us adults of some spiritual values that we have forgotten. Moreover, while doing this, they chose a very simple and understandable way of expression.


While watching the Ice Age animated movie, my daughter laughed at nearly every scene in the movie, and I laughed at both the animated movie and my daughter's giggles. I think I had more fun than him. In his own living space, in the Ice Age animated movie; It was fun to see how he interpreted working as a friendship and team. We watched the entire Ice Age series together, but it was the first movie that we both liked the most.

I also think that the Ice Age movie helped my daughter develop. The absence of disturbing scenes and words for his age in the film was an important factor. After watching the movie, there was a lot of dialogue between us about what the movie was trying to convey. In a way, we did the critique of the movie together.


For example, we talked about the scene in the movie where the baby takes his first steps. He adapted it, somewhat indirectly, to his first steps. We laughed the most at the scenes where the baby slides off the glaciers. And we were most upset that the tigers tried to eat the baby! Each scene touched our lives in itself.

I am reliving the missing cartoon and animated movie part of my childhood with my daughter. In every movie I watch with him in accordance with his age, I complete a missing part of me. We have watched many animated films so far and we will continue to watch them from now on.

As I said at the beginning, I love my daughter and I love everything she loves. The animation movie I am telling is my daughter's and my choice. In this respect, I would like to say that I participated in the competition with my daughter. We invite our dear hivers friends to participate in the competition. Anyone who wants to join and have fun with us can click on the title below.

CineTV Contest #18: Your Favorite Animated Feature Film

Thank you everyone, see you in my next post!

All content belongs to me!
