Weekly Writing Prompts by CineTV - #15

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The middle of the week!

How has your week been so far? If it wasn't that great, have no fear as the middle of the week is almost here! We are halfway through the week and that means, the weekend is getting closer. That is of course if you have a weekend, and not have to work on Saturdays or Sundays.

Have you been inspired this week to write something in the CineTV community? I'm curious to find out the odd little things that inspired you to write lately. I feel sharing these inspiration moments helps others find inspiration in the "little" or "normal" things we normally would barely notice.

Let's get to the three writing prompts I want to share with you this week..

My precious!

Oh man, it feels like forever since I saw the firs Lord Of The Rings movie. I remember being amazed by the movie as well as finding it way too long. Although a lot less during my younger years, I easily fall asleep watching a long movie. It doesn't even mean it's boring or I'm not interested, not at all, but I just can't focus on the same thing for that long. Looking back, I probably fell asleep a few times even in the cinema, haha.

One of the things everyone remembers if they saw the LOTR movies is Smeagol saying the words "My precious" about the ring. Until this very day, I still copy Smeagol when saying these words out loud. HA! Yes, you read it correctly. How many of you are going to confess they do the same thing?

Leave a comment, or feel inspired to write about this movie quote..

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Once in a lifetime

A very odd thing, a once in a lifetime thing can be a great source of inspiration as well as story that can last you a lifetime of sharing a cool story with everyone wanting to hear it. Now of course some of these stories are cooler than others, but that doesn't matter. I want you to think hard about your possible "once in a lifetime" thing that you can use as inspiration..

Maybe you have not had your once in a lifetime moment yet but your family member or friend did. I bet everyone can think of one of these moments if they think hard.. I'm curious to find out what your moment is about. Leave a comment below, or if it's movie related, go and write a blog on our new frontend!

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Everyone has a little crazy in their life, maybe a crazy sibling or a crazy pet. It can be good crazy as in so much fun or crazy as in someone having serious issues mentally. But don't automatically take it as a heavy topic as I believe we all have some good crazy things in our life from time to time, yes, even the boring ones amongst us.

Think about what your crazy thing is in your life, maybe you experienced something so crazy that nobody believes it. Maybe you witnessed something in the past that you thought you ended up in a movie scene by accident and until today still don't know for sure what you saw.

I can write a book about the crazy things I've done and seen but these things are truly too crazy to share here with you today. I'm looking forward to read your crazy stories, in a comment or a blog post. All up to you!

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That's it for this week, next week we are back to share another round of inspiration for your writings in the CineTV community. Make sure to follow our Twitter account and join our discord channel.

See you next week!

Posted using CineTV

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