Cinetv Contest: Your Most Favorite Classic Film(s)


Our last contest Cinetv Contest: Your Most Favorite Fictional Character(s) has been an overwhelming one and we must admit that we had the hardest time evaluating this round! It is a delight to see many cinetv members possess such deep insight anent different characters—and their writeups are things to cherish on the blockchain.

We have faced the same bittersweet problem again, picking the top 3 out of at least 7-8 masterful writeups. How can you choose one over the other when both are equally deserving. And when we choose one, do we not deprive the other? Yet we have to if we want to follow the rules.

And here are the winners of the last contest "Your Most Favorite Fictional Character(s)".

In this entry, Bethyjade explored two characters from the Harry Potter franchise, Voldemort and Ron, from a neutral perspective.

A great overview and discussion on Oedipus's daughter Antigone, an all-time classic character. This was truly a marvelous read!

lordtimoty wasn't sure whether it was a fitting post for the contest, and he ended up giving us a very insightful discourse on what makes a character tick and how an array of seemingly vast ocean of characters are actually connected and finally an idea as a character! Magnificent write-up!


650 CINE COINS will be transferred to the winners.

But they aren't the only worthwhile ones!

  • @tsunsica showed here — Leigh Anne Tuohy that to be a memorable character that leaves an impression on you, one doesn't have to be a tragic or heroic one, it can also be a character that resembles an everyday person.

  • @nameless16 argued why The Goddamn Batman is such a relatable character that it makes a fresh reappearance in every generation and still be deemed as fresh!

  • @nbarrios67 aptly dissected the inner doings of two characters Snake Plissken - Harry Powell masterfully and it felt just right—for such insight from him is not surprising at all.

  • @killerwot picked Brick Top from Guy Ritchie's Snatch and made us fall in love with the character all over again! CineTV Contest: The Fall of Brick Top

And let's move on to the new contest!

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Contest 4: Your most favorite Classic Film(s)!


Classics are classics for a reason. They pass the trial of time, and they pass it precisely because of their greatness. Some even transcend time and age, making us utter that line with a smirk "oh, it has aged well!"

Even when we don't consider their intrinsic value—classics can also be a source of solace to a personal level, a place to go back to when you doubt your film sense. And they never let you down.

Write about the classic film(s) you loved the most, you cherish in your heart and it's likely that you always will!

Winners and prizes

This contest will have 3 winners and 225 CINE in prizes. They will be distributed as follows.

  • 1ST Place — 100 CINE
  • 2ND Place — 75 CINE
  • 3RD Place — 50 CINE

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  • Publish your entry from our frontend or post to cinetv community if you prefer peakd, ecency or
  • The entries should be written in English for evaluation purposes (You can translate from your mother tongue if you want to.)
  • The post title should include CineTV Contest:. For example, CineTV Contest: Your Title Here.
  • Use #cinetvcontest among your tags.
  • Include a link to this post somewhere in your entry. So your friends can find this easily.
  • Put down a comment with the link of your entry on this post below.


  • The submission deadline is 8th March 2022, 11:59 PM, UTC time.

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Evaluation and Some Tips

  • You can use these prompts as a helping hand (purely optional) but you're free to go however you want.
    ► What you loved or hated about it.
    ► How it influenced you (and/or people around you).
    ► What part of it did you find most interesting.
    ► Any scene that still pops into your mind.
    ► Performance of the actors/actress that left an impression.
    ► Why do you think it's significant and great (or not).

  • You're free to include multiple films in your entry.

  • There's no need to be mechanical. Write with a free hand. We might overlook if you forget to do a step or two stated in the rules (except the first one).

  • We'll evaluate the posts based on the writing quality, sincerity, and faithfulness to the spirit of the contest.

Happy Writing then! Blog on!

The cover photo is edited in photoshop.

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