CineTV Community Newspaper | Week 35 | 2023

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Welcome to our CineTV Community newspaper. This edition comes at a completely different time than you might expect. And that sets the tone for the future. As everyone knows, we are now in that hellish bear market, which also has consequences for our CineTV team. And one of those consequences is that we can only publish the newspaper once a month. This will happen every month on the 1st day of the month. It's not fun, but always remember that no matter what. You can earn CINE every day by using the many possibilities that CineTV offers.

Which brings me right to the next point. Another decision has been made that may affect the amount of CINE you earn. Do you use our CineTV front end? If your answer to this is "YES", then nothing will change for you. If your answer to this is "NO", then things are changing for you and it may be time to change your decision.

Although we know that the general front ends such as Peakd and Ecency are especially super easy, and it is a hassle for many people to switch front ends every time to post their blog, we have nevertheless chosen to charge a tax of 85 % for blogs that are not placed via our own CineTV front end.

What this means concretely is:

If you post through our Front end you get the full rewards. If you post from any other front end you only get 15% of the CINE rewards. The other 85% is tax.

Why did we make this decision? You can of course read that in this blog that explains everything clearly for you!

Continuing with a blog @raymondspeaks posted last week. Do you miss the '80s and '90s Sci-fi too? Ray does and tells all about it in his flashback blog.

I know you're all eagerly awaiting the next CineTV Community Contest, but I have some bad news. There is currently no contest. I know, I know, it's a tragedy. How can you live without the thrill of competing for prizes and glory? How can you cope with the boredom of your everyday life without the excitement of watching movies and TV shows? How can you express your creativity and passion without writing reviews and articles?

The good news is that you don't need a Community Contest to write those articles. But if you really think you need a contest, I have a fun solution for you. Introducing the CineTV Community Contest Simulator. It is a simple game that you can play alone or with your friends. All you need is a dice, a pen and paper. Here is how it works:

  • Roll the dice to determine the genre of the movie or TV show you need to watch and review. For example, if you roll a 1, the genre is action. If you roll a 2, the genre is romance. And so forth.

  • Now that you have your genre you need to find a movie or TV show that meets the genre. You can use any source you want: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, YouTube, etc. Or you can just make one up.

  • Watch the movie or TV show and write a review about it. Be honest, be creative, be funny. You can use any format you want: text, video, audio, etc.

  • Share your article via the CineTV front-end

  • And finally, enjoy the satisfaction of completing a CineTV Community Contest Simulator, and the rewards coming your way.

That is it! It's easy, it's fun, it's free. You can play as many times as you want, with as many themes, genres, and ratings as you like. You can even create your own categories if you want to spice things up a bit.

Grab your dice, pen, and paper, and start playing the CineTV Community Contest Simulator today! And don't forget to keep an eye on our account, because soon @caulderfreeman will come up with the real contest!

If you're ready for a little break now, grab a cup of coffee and go into the relax mode. Enjoy even more of that juicy Hollywood gossip.

  • If you're a fan of Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, and Demi Lovato, you'll love this juicy scoop. Miley Cyrus revealed that she had a crush on both of them when they were young Disney stars and that they shared a moment that made her realize she's bisexual. Want to know more? Read the full article here:

  • If you're looking for some cute content to brighten up your day, look no further than the latest news about Jada Pinkett Smith. The actress and talk show host just introduced the newest member of her and Will Smith's family: a cute little puppy! As a dog lover, news like this always strikes me. And as every puppy is adorable I just wanted to share this news with you all so you can have your daily dose of cuteness too.

  • Ah, the world eagerly awaits the profound wisdom that Kim Kardashian is about to bestow upon the new wife of Kanye West! It seems that Kim, our modern-day Socrates, has decided to step into the role of a marriage counselor. We can only imagine the depths of insight she'll share, but one thing's for sure: as the ex-wife of Kanye, she knows what she's talking about. And she sure does dress herself a lot better as Bianca seems to be doing.

The bear market is not great for anyone, and we can see that in the number of people who are still motivated to blog. The people who actually read are now even less represented. The people who leave thoughtful comments are quite rare. That, in combination with the fact that the CineTV Newspaper has now also received a completely different frequency of posting, has made me decide to pause this item of MovieStar of the Week for now.

Maybe something else will come back, I'm still brainstorming about that. Keep an eye on it!

We keep watching all the films that come out this year, after all, that is what the CINETV community is for. I will try to show as many different genres as possible. Hopefully, there's something to your taste and you'll find a new movie for your "To Watch" list. Get ready for some trailers below!


Denzel Washington is back in The Equalizer III as a former government killer who tries to forget his dark past and finds peace in helping the oppressed. He enjoys his life in Southern Italy but soon learns that his new friends are under the threat of local mobsters. He decides to use his skills to defend them from the mafia.


September will be fun for fans of the comedy franchise My Big Fat Greek Wedding. The third part will be in theaters soon. Are you also ready for some cheer in this increasingly tough world, then this film is for you!


In this movie, Daniel is a drone pilot in Mali. He is confronted with a horrible decision when he is tasked with finding and neutralizing a jihadist network leader with his team. While he working with his team his family is kidnapped by terrorists. The choices are horrible, his mission, the safety of his team, or the lives of his loved ones?

We like to point out the following note about plagiarism!

We have an entire team dedicated to finding AND reporting plagiarism and abuse. And be warned, we NEVER will tolerate plagiarized blogs. Not in plagiarized words or images!

We have seen some really great posts that failed to source their pictures, and so we were not able to curate them properly. Remember to only post YOUR OWN words and to properly source the photos that you use that are not your own.

Plagiarism is THEFT and has no place in our CineTV family!

Don't forget that you can subscribe to this newspaper by simply letting us know in a comment. If you want to cancel the subscription, you can do so in the same simple way.

And with that, this week's newspaper has come to an end. We hope you enjoyed it and we'll see you next week with a new newspaper! If you find this newspaper and want to chat about movies and TV with us, feel free to join us in our DISCORD

Thanks...we love you all!

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