CineTV Community Newspaper | Week 32 | 2023

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Welcome to the biweekly edition of our newspaper. Once again, our team of passionate writers are on hand to provide our vibrant community of film and TV enthusiasts with new contests and blogs that give you a glimpse into how we experience the world of film and TV. Let CineTV be your trusted companion as we move through the flashy world of youth, catch up on the latest gossip, watch what's of interest to kids and discover the latest movies that might be on your 'to-watch-list' become. Join us every other week as we try to start conversations and hope we can connect our community in their love of film and TV.

And for the last weeks our very own @raymondspeaks has brought you some interesting posts. First of course our newest engagement initiative where you can win some heavy upvotes. Check it out if you haven't. All you need to do is Guess the movies - and win some Cine. But Ray is also a movie & TV lover and thought it could be nice to write a blog to Recommend you some TV he finds worth watching

So let's get our popcorn ready, sharpen our senses and with your help and support we'll get there.

A request to everyone, if you write a blog that has to do with film or TV, don't forget to use our front end. Everyone who uses our front end helps us, so we can do more for you faster!

Thank you and lots of Cine fun!

This week's theme for the CineTV Community Contest is one that would be very close to my heart if I had the opportunity to watch these kinds of films. Movies starring pets. I think of Beethoven or Homeward Bound. Babe is another classic that immediately comes to mind. Marley & Me, and of course the many Disney classics such as the Aristocats, 101 Dalmatians, Lady & The Vagabond. Ah, so many choices, and so many movies I'd like to watch again if it were given to me.

Fun fact: It's one of my favorite themes. It is often movies that warm my heart to see the touching and humorous moments with the often silly moments of the pets. But I can't watch these movies anymore because our German Shepherd Skipper goes crazy when he sees animals on TV. I have seriously never known a dog even that reacts as crazy as he does with TV. From the moment the TV turns on he is really watching, and as soon as he sees an animal he jumps loudly barking like an idiot towards the TV, and then stands right in front of the TV barking. We've tried everything, but he keeps on doing it. He won't stop until the animal is gone from TV.

It is now that we have noticed how many animals appear in films. Skipper notices it flawlessly, it doesn't matter if it's photo-realistic or cartoon, he recognizes it. Even without sound. We have a strange beast. But even though I better not watch these films anymore, I hope to enjoy your entries in our contest.

So fire up your laptops and let your creativity run wild for this week's CineTV contest Your Favorite Movie with a Pet!

  • The submission deadline is 16th August 2023, 11:59 PM, UTC time.

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Have you ever seen more in the Disney Princesses than just cute characters invented by Disney to let you enjoy a nice movie for an evening? Have you ever thought about the role these Disney princesses can play in your daughters' subconscious? Have you ever made a connection to the messages these films can send to your children?

@thisismylife has taken a closer look at some of the princesses and listed some of the things she believes could be nesting in your child's subconscious.

The kindness of Cinderella, Pocahontas' bond with nature, and the beautiful Belle makes it clear that appearance is subordinate to inner beauty. And there are more examples to be found in the blog. Read it quickly if you're curious too.

Have you ever wondered what is considered "cool" by the younger generation? Well here have something for you. You don't have to look any further because in "Frey's Findings" you can find everything. From the latest trends and hot topics among the youth to the latest celebrity gossip. Everything that concerns the youth and what is considered "cool" is presented to you in a lightning-fast writing style. Dive into the rapidly changing cultural youth landscape.

If you're ready for a little break now, grab a cup of coffee and go into the relax mode. Enjoy even more of that juicy Hollywood gossip.

  • The celebrities of the world always keep us entertained, at least if it's up to them. Often they pretend to want privacy, only to share their entire lives on social media and go to great lengths to get into the spotlight. Take Madonna for example. Only just recovered from the bacterial infection that landed her in the hospital, she manages to focus her attention on her person again. This time by posting an Instagram message paying tribute to her son Rocco for his 23rd birthday. And while this is of course a heartwarming message for her son, it also brings attention back to Madonna herself, putting herself in the spotlight once again. This time not as the sexy woman she wants to be, but a loving mother!

  • In the realm where Kanye West lives with his new "wife", a new chapter is unfolding. And that chapter would be cause for concern for some of Kanye's fans and acquaintances. Will Kanye make the 'mistake' he made in his marriage to Kim again? Can Bianca be herself, or can Kanye, like what he tried to do with Kim, now also control what Bianca is wearing? For some people, the recent photos are cause for concern, and admittedly, Bianca doesn't look very happy.

  • People probably all remember why Will Smith landed his most famous punch ever. This incident during the Oscar ceremony has had major consequences, but one of those consequences was undoubtedly unforeseen. Attention to the hair disease Alopecia! The reason Will threw the punch was because of a comment about his bald wife Jada Pinkett Smith. At that time, no one knew that Jada suffered from alopecia. It's been a long time now that Jada goes bald through life, and although she also remains a beautiful woman, she will undoubtedly have been very happy to notice that her hair seems to want to make a comeback.

The Movie Star of the Week is intended to be a fun and engaging activity for everyone, and for that, we need your participation. All you have to do is join the conversation in the comments below the paper. By doing just that, you could win some juicy CINE Tokens and ECENCE Points! Are you with us this week?

Of course, thanks to @ecency for generously sponsoring this fun challenge!

One comment for the movie TENET, so we have one winner. Congratulations @zonadigital21. I hope you guys can do better this week!

Enter a realm that seems to defy the laws of reality, where the contours of dreams shape the landscapes of existence. While watching this film I was fascinated by the structure of the story and its film adaptation. In this film, you make a tantalizing expedition through the human psyche, and it is filmed so well that you almost feel like you are there in the film. That you share the aspirations and fears, while the main characters venture into the unknown areas of the subconscious. The boundaries of time and reality blur and the extraordinary of the human spirit takes center stage.

I´m very curious how many people saw this movie, and even more curious about how many people are able to leave a comment with a personal opinion about:


We have 100 CINE tokens and 100 ECENCY Points to give away, do you have a comment? The conditions are being looked at more strictly. And if the conditions are not met, we will not give away additional tokens.


  • Only personal opinions, no plot stories, and since this is meant for more engagement on the newspaper, you're only in the race to earn some extra CINE when you leave a comment.

If you want to write a blog, that's great! But there won't be extra CINE tokens for blogs anymore.

You guys are "THE COMMUNITY", and we would be nothing without you!

We keep watching for all the films that come out this year, after all, that is what the CINETV community is for. I will try to show as many different genres as possible. Hopefully, there's something to your taste and you'll find a new movie for your "To Watch" list. Get ready for some trailers below!


Evil is on board! We call him Dracula. These sentences can trigger the curiosity of many people. And I think it can be very rewarding for lovers of this horror/thriller genre. With the name Dracula in a movie, suspense is guaranteed.


A film inspired by a true story from World War II about a 3-day battle in which an airfield must be defended against a Japanese attack.


A film that portrays precarious working conditions. Dares to show the consequences of financial challenges, but also points out how friendship can arise despite these difficult circumstances. And in addition, a dilemma for many undercover 'agents' is touched upon.

We like to point out the following note about plagiarism!

We have an entire team dedicated to finding AND reporting plagiarism and abuse. And be warned, we NEVER will tolerate plagiarized blogs. Not in plagiarized words, nor images!

We have seen some really great posts that failed to source their pictures, so we were not able to curate them properly. Remember to only post YOUR OWN words and to properly source the photos that you use that are not your own.

Plagiarism is THEFT and has no place in our CineTV family!

Don't forget that you can subscribe to this newspaper by simply letting us know in a comment. If you want to cancel the subscription, you can do so in the same simple way.

And with that, this week's newspaper has come to an end. We hope you enjoyed it and we'll see you next week with a new newspaper! If you find this newspaper and want to chat about movies and TV with us, feel free to join is in our DISCORD

Thanks...we love you all!

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