Cinetv Contest — Blue Miracle

'Poppa Omar' , just like the kids call him, is more than just a father to the many orphans under his watch. Despite not having the best experience with his parents (his mum left him with his father while the father drowned while they were fishing), Omar with his wife Becca were so determined to make something out of nothing for the kids they have in their orphanage home. He believed these kids should be given the same opportunity as those with their parents. He wants the kids to be far different from the product of the toxic environment surrounding them.


With the bank on Omar's neck about the loan he took in order to provide for the orphanage, plus the unfortunate event of the storm that seriously affected the apartment they were managing, Omar was left with no option than to run around, on how to secure his home.

After getting off the phone with the bank officials, where he was given 30 days to repay the loans, Omar went to meet his friend Bis, to help him speak to the bank about giving him more time.


Bis is the coordinator of the BISBEE'S Black and Blue — the world's biggest fishing tournament. For the year's tournament, the storm prevented some international contestants from taking part in the competition, so instead of cancelling the tournament, Bis decided to let the tournament be for the local captains and fishermen.


While speaking with Mr. Bis, Mr. Wade — a two time winner of the tournament, walked in to register for the tournament. Knowing that Wade isn't a local, he insisted that we won't be registered. Wade is a man who almost lost everything (his wife and son) and needed to be busy with something. So, he persisted that Mr Bis allow him participate even if he has to team him up with a local that might not even be a fisherman. So Mr. Bis agreed to team him up with Omar

There's a lot to write about this wonderful movie. I choose this as my best 2021 movie for so many reasons. The movie excellently illustrates how small things we pay no attention to can turn out to be a focal point in our lives.


I have several wonderful scenes that still pop into my mind, but some are the best. For instance, when Tweety was worrying about the disappearance of his mum, Omar came to him and told him that he has a way of handling his worries. Which is writing it down on a paper and nailing it on the door. He told Tweety that his prayers were often answered anytime he did that. Sure, it was hard for the little boy to believe.

So Tweety wrote down his wishes and gave it to Poppa Omar to help nail it on the door. Being carried away with a lot, Omar didn't read what Tweety wrote down before nailing it to the door. But his attention was drawn to it when Mr. Wade drove to the orphanage telling him they have been teamed up with for the competition. After Mr. Wade drove home, Tweety couldn't help but start screaming that his prayers had been answered!

It was a marvelous scene for me, because the little thing Omar told Tweety just to get him out of the mood he was in, has turned out to be real. Secondly, in the course of the tournament, Mr. Wade suggested that they cheat by buying a big fish already caught by another person and present it as theirs. This to Omar was like doing what he told the kids never to do — to cheat. As a result, he declined even though they were experiencing difficulty in catching any fish.

However, less than an hour to the end of the tournament, the BLUE MIRACLE finally took place! They caught the biggest fish and were declared the winner.

The casts in this wonderful movie are:

Jimmy Gonzales — Omar

Dennis Quaid — Wade

Fernanda Urrejola — Becca, and so on .

This great movie was written by Chris Dowling and Julio Quintana

Directed by Julio Quintana.

A Netflix movie released on 27 May, 2021.

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