
Indian movie 'Faraaz' based on the incident of Holi Artisan is ready for release despite many discussions and criticism. The movie will release on 3rd February. However, our native producer Mustafa Sarwar Farooqui completed the production of the movie 'Saturday Afternoon' in 2019. Although the movie was screened in various festivals, there were many hurdles to get the censor certificate in the country. Even after almost 4 years, the release of the movie is still uncertain. Sad to see that our story is being told by some other country. Everything looks good after seeing the trailer but the only regret is that when we want to make a movie about the events of this country, we delay it with a thousand reasons and excuses; Movies with good content get stuck at the censor board while many garbage movies easily get clearance from the censors with a chance; But the neighboring country is already making movies. I feel that no one else can bring out the actual story better than us no matter which director or actor is playing the characters.
Faraaz is and will forever be our pride.

Source https://www.manoranjannama.com/movies/Trailer-of-this-film-made-on-Dhaka-Terror-Attack-released/cid9745481.htm

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